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Cannon Mountain, 03-05-16


Mar 25, 2013
On interstate highways almost the entire way, it took me 1 hour and 21 minutes to drive the 97.4 miles from my home to the Cannon Mountain parking lot at the Peabody Base Lodge. This is an average speed of about 73 mph and is just one of the reasons I love Cannon so much. The temperature was 9 degrees, perfect blue sky and no wind for ski day nine. I purchased a walk up day ticket for $72. For the first time this year I took my 187 cm Blizzard Brahmas and it’s a perfect day for some fast skiing.

I was in line 10 minutes before the lift opened and did 3 runs off the high speed quad to warm up and get the feel for the long skis. The snow was just soft enough from the 5-7 inches of new snow on Wednesday to make it really good, easy to lay down tracks on the corduroy. I then headed over to Mittersill and Baron’s. I didn’t see anyone over there on the first ride up or the ski down. Baron’s was perfectly groomed and the sun was hitting the left side where there were only 2 sets of ski tracks. I did three runs on Barons and these were the best runs of the day.

I headed back over to the Cannon summit and found Profile to be almost as good as Baron’s. Vista had bumps and a mix of soft snow, hard pack and ice. I spent about an hour on the summit runs and then went to the front five. Conditions on the front five were not as good as the rest of the mountain and I only took three runs there. After a short break I went back and forth between the front side runs, the summit and Mittersill. This included the hike up the saddle where the views were great. There must have been at least 100 people throughout the day that did the hike as the temperature got warmer, the sun was shining and everyone was having a great day. Taft Slalom had nice soft snow and moguls on the extreme left side, but was icy in the middle. I never made it to Hardscrabble so I can’t comment on the conditions, but it did look like it had nice coverage on it.

Later in the day at Mittersill the surface on Baron’s held up reasonably well. Skyline and Ridge Run were icy, but when you reached the TBD trail it was real nice. On the Cannon side, there was a good line to the extreme right of Extension. Most of the main trails got skied off and were very fast and quite treacherous in places. Profile though held up ok, especially if you skied the extreme right next to the rope line where small moguls formed and the snow was fairly soft. I only made it till 2:30, my legs giving out as it got harder and harder to hold an edge. The only lift lines the entire day was at the Cannonball Quad and was only a few minutes. The slopes were never crowded and the deck outside the Peabody Lodge was very busy and sunny. I never took the tram as it was just too nice of day. For lunch I had chili and chips and two Czech Pils at the Cannonball Pub. I’m off to Stowe next weekend, I hope it’s just as good; if not better.


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  • Tuckerbrook entrance-connector trail to Mittersill.JPG
    Tuckerbrook entrance-connector trail to Mittersill.JPG
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Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
I am at Cannon today conditions are pretty good all things considered. Wish I would have skied Cannon instead of Crotched on Saturday.

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Hudson NH
I am at Cannon today conditions are pretty good all things considered. Wish I would have skied Cannon instead if Crotched.

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Wish I was there instead of Killington. !

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Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
Cannon 3/6/16

Instead of creating a new trip report I will add to this one for the following day.

After hearing that conditions on Saturday were pretty good we were excited to hit Cannon on Sunday after sleeping in a bit hoping for better conditions then there were at Crotched. Well, we got there around 10 and our first turns met our expectations. We went right to the summit and skied Upper Cannon, Profile and Upper Ravine. Upper Cannon skied really well on the outside of the the turns and was unpredictable on the inside of each turn - some time scrapped off and others were fine. Profile actually skied pretty well - every now and then the edge would slip unexpectedly but nothing to write home about. Snow was best to the sides of that trail. Upper Ravine had wide scrapped off areas and obviously was getting more traffic than the other trails. From Upper Ravine we continued down Middle Ravine to Turnpike then skied the middle mountain trails which al skied really well. Big Link was Crotched like which is really the only trail that I did not like. Middle Cannon actually had OK coverage which has been icy much of the season. Extension, Rock Garden and Upper Gremlin were all in pretty good shape. My son was digging TossUp. After a couple of hours we headed in for lunch where we would then turn our attention to Mittersill and the Front Trails.

After eating, we headed over to Mittersill and skied two runs on Barons, we hoped to ski Skyline but were told that it was icy so Baron's it was. Baron's skied pretty good and on one of the runs I got a little entertainment watching a snowboarder purposely slide on his but all the way down using his board as a plow to slow him down. The exit from Barons on Way Back was very sketchy as in too much speed could kill! The front five were interesting to say the least. Rocket had large groups hanging around that we had to ski around which pissed off my wife since they stood where the best snow was. Gary's was actually the worst trail since the half that was open had not been groomed and there was hard bump ice under little snow. Zoomer skied great. They basically mowed down all bumps that are usually under the chair. Pauli's skied well on the sides which is where my wife and I skied and we never made it to Avalanche but that too was groomed flat. We decided to do one more T2B run and rode to the Summit and skied Upper Cannon to Middle Cannon to Rock garden to Lower Cannon which ened up being a great run IMO. Upper Cannon was getting scraped off though.

Overall a great day considering the weather we had been having. It was our first time back to Cannon since February 7th and it was nice to be home! While there were a few ice spots I thought conditions were nice!


Zoomer Bumps Bulldozed


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Hudson NH
Cannon was Awesome on Saturday for sure ! Opening till closing.... closed out the Cannonball at 3:45 ! VistaWay and Tramway were still skiing well at end of the day....Vista was still the Favorite ! Really wish we would have went back on Sunday.......Win some / loose some ! Best day in a long time at Cannon !!!


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
Cannon was Awesome on Saturday for sure ! Opening till closing.... closed out the Cannonball at 3:45 ! VistaWay and Tramway were still skiing well at end of the day....Vista was still the Favorite ! Really wish we would have went back on Sunday.......Win some / loose some ! Best day in a long time at Cannon !!!

The way I felt about Sunday!


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2013
this all looks pretty good.

considering cannon for next weekend. other options are whiteface, sunday river, killington. will see how/if this thursday night storm produces. girlfriend doesnt have vouchers at river but opensnow right now is saying maine should get it good this weekend, but NH too. we'll see how the snow(?) falls. i really want to use my cannon voucher. i love that place.