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Mini freezing for next 30/year's I see


New member
Jan 12, 2012
keep the faith
That Contrail study is pure crap.
My "Firsthand experience "as a glider pilot flying from clear areas though areas obscured by contrails and back to clear areas .
There is a "Significant" difference in the thermal lift rates of climb , much lower and even sometimes non existant. According to that study there should be more heat reflected back to the ground , if that were the case the climb rates should be higher as heat is the cause of thermals in the first place.
Crap reference purely coincidence:-D

Read more carefully. Overall cooling effect in daytime. Overall warming effect at night, making for net warming effect (though minor). Only accounts for "linear contrails", not those that have fanned out.

Puck it

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
Franconia, NH
Please explain my "seeding conspiracy theory". I'm curious to hear how a dumbass managed to misinterpret the clear explanation of established science and transparent policies I provided overwhelming proof of.

This is what I'm talking about. You're completely out of your element yet you still feel the need to control the dialogue by either dumbing or shutting it down. Classic dumbass trait.

What are you? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?

Trying to shut it down is not a dumbass trait. I am trying avoid the place that all of these discussions go. The two sides of this will never see eye to eye or want to compromise.
Out of my element is laughable. You really need to know your audience before you spout dumbass all the over the place. I will just leave it at that.
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New member
Jan 12, 2012
keep the faith
What are you? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?

You started this asking if I was dropped on my head. After trying to shut down other people for staying on topic or showing interest in the subject.

Trying to shut it down is not a dumbass trait. I am trying avoid the place that all of these discussions go.

How thoughtful. I really had you wrong.

Puck it

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
Franconia, NH
You started this asking if I was dropped on my head. After trying to shut down other people for staying on topic or showing interest in the subject.

How thoughtful. I really had you wrong.
For future reference, you really need to know who you are calling a dumbass too.
Are you wearing a foil hat too?


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
Wasatch Back
This is SO not the place to get into it. But you're somehow incredibly misinformed. Yikes

Both of the 2 points I made in that post regarding "the pause" as well as skyrocketing CO2 levels, are science fact, not science fiction, acknowledged (begrudgingly and lately) by the very IPCC Global Warming scientists running this show.

The fact that you are wholly unaware of this suggests you likely get your "information" from non-credible and biased sources. Yikes.


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
Middletown NY
This thread should be good for us winter lovers more snow and cold very good news for natural snow hills Roxbury NY and snow and less rainnnnn events in winter.


Active member
Dec 13, 2014
Boston, MA
Speaking of contrails and on the topic of climate change...
Global radiative forcing from contrail cirrus. Nature.com


Turns out they cause warming. With sulfur added to JP8 jet fuel they cause even more.

And that's what dumbasses call "conspiracy theory".

I don't think people were calling the fact that contrails persist a conspiracy theory. We all see contrails everyday persisting in the sky and yes, the sulfur in jet fuel among other things is going to cause albedo and a host of other effects (as said in that article).

The conspiracy that people are accusing you of, from what I remember from the last time contrails came up here, was that the government is actively participating in wide-scale seeding and that anytime we see a contrail sticking around in the sky it is actually a seeding event.

I could be completely wrong. Either way, that's a really interesting article you've got there! Like the authors state, research on the impacts of aviation on climate is severely lacking.
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Active member
Dec 13, 2014
Boston, MA
Both of the 2 points I made in that post regarding "the pause" as well as skyrocketing CO2 levels, are science fact, not science fiction, acknowledged (begrudgingly and lately) by the very IPCC Global Warming scientists running this show.

The fact that you are wholly unaware of this suggests you likely get your "information" from non-credible and biased sources. Yikes.

Um, you have absolutely no idea where I'm getting my information from. My information is coming from the IPCC you so lovingly brought up, peer reviewed articles, and others with masters and PhDs in the area. I would ask that you not mock me and act like an adult. I’d rather not be insulted by you in an insanely condescending way after you post something that is clearly meant to be inflammatory. It’s not fun for anyone except maybe you if you get off on it.

CO2 is increasing in the atmosphere, the oceans, are absorbing significant amounts of heat, and I assure you, no one is "scrambling" like you said in your previous post.

There is no broken hypothesis here. The greenhouse effect is still an entirely valid theory. Its been understood for well over a century and without it the earth would be uninhabitable. The earth, through the greenhouse effect, is retaining more energy from the sun than it has in human existence right now, and as long as methane, CO2, and dozens of other molecules continue to increase in concentration in the atmosphere. There is no broken hypothesis there.

The impact on the air temperature however, yes varies a ton and that release by the IPCC has to do with that. You say you are citing "science fact" but you said that:

-the earth hasn't warmed in 20 years – sort of not really correct, as debated already by others. But beyond what others have said, so many other factors go into what actually happens to the earth’s air temperature that no one truly knows how the earth’s climate responds. What is understood is that the earth’s climate due to manmade changes in the atmosphere is now much more unstable. The US Navy released a report that the arctic might be seasonally ice free as early as summer 2016. Next summer. Will it get there? We’ll find out in a year, but either way, it means the earth is unstable. Do you think the report by the navy is total crap? Take it up with them and provide sufficient scientific evidence and models that prove otherwise and maybe you can get something published somewhere refuting their claim. That’s how science and research works.
-the CO2 levels are rising, yes that's true no one debates you there,
- AND most importantly "The 800lb elephant trumpeting in the corner is the fact that the hypothesis is broken. Which is precisely why they're currently scrambling to determine why the earth hasnt warmed (ocean's absorbing more heat than previously thought, CO2 effect overstated, something......anything....)."

There is no fact in that last point. You sort of brought up working hypotheses in the current climate science community. No one fully understands how the earth responds to such an increase in absorption of the sun's energy because the earth is an incredibly complex system.

There is no overstating of the CO2 effect, that's called the greenhouse effect, and its why we are all alive today.

And yes, the response of the oceans no one can fully predict right now.

All you did was condescend on something you know very little about. You then proceeded to blatantly attack me without any knowledge of who I am, what I know, and where I get my information from. You apparently don’t fully understand how the scientific process works. Everything is a working theory and there are so so so many different factors that will influence how much warming actually happens to the earth’s atmosphere. Sunspots are one of those factors!

Why are you so mean to everyone who ever says anything against you on this forum? You are clearly well educated and know a lot about a lot of different things. But you freak out on anyone who says anything different, even when you don’t know all the facts or understand the basis behind the evidence that you’ve read online somewhere. It tends to ruin what otherwise is a wonderful experience on these boards.


New member
Jan 12, 2012
keep the faith
I don't think people were calling the fact that contrails persist a conspiracy theory. We all see contrails everyday persisting in the sky and yes, the sulfur in jet fuel among other things is going to cause albedo and a host of other effects (as said in that article).

The conspiracy that people are accusing you of, from what I remember from the last time contrails came up here, was that the government is actively participating in wide-scale seeding and that anytime we see a contrail sticking around in the sky it is actually a seeding event.

I could be completely wrong. Either way, that's a really interesting article you've got there! Like the authors state, research on the impacts of aviation on climate is severely lacking.

I had mentioned cloud seeding and when questioned provided a wealth of direct links to government, research and media sources confirming my statement.

VTKilarny started into the contrails thing putting words in my mouth, mostly putting his foot in his own mouth and demonstrating lack of integrity. Trying to turn it into some chemtrail debate to distract from an established and non-controversial topic.

Glad you enjoyed the article though. Just one of those things you find trying to learn about conspiracy theories like "the weather" and generally trying to educate one's self on a variety of topics.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014

The links you gave talk about chemtrails. I just read what you linked to.



New member
Jan 12, 2012
keep the faith

The links you gave talk about chemtrails. I just read what you linked to.

Even if that wasn't a blatant lie, what's your serious hangup? My understanding is whatever you keep talking about with the chemtrails is most likely and most of the time contrails.

Other times aerosols are being used for various tropospheric tests, as well as seeding, tracers used to measure wind, military chaff, and building cloud cover to obscure Air Force exercises... the list goes on why it can appear there's more than the usual amount of "stuff" coming out of a plane.

But yeah we can just wrap all those topics under the header of "chemtrails" and ban the subject.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
Even if that wasn't a blatant lie, what's your serious hangup?
Okay, now you are just pissing me off. It's one thing to be a clueless fool about weather modification. But it's another thing to erroneously accuse me of telling a "blatant lie."

To show just how clueless you are:
You posted this link: http://climateviewer.com/2013/10/06/climate-engineering-programs/

Specifically, you posted the link in post #40 in the thread entitled "Tuesday March 10th - Sunday March 15th." Go back and take a look. I'll wait...

Now click on that link that you posted. Look on the right hand side. Look under the section entitled "Popular Posts".
In that section, you will see the following:
- "Chemtrails, Calmatives, and Terrorism"

Now look at the "Latest News" section underneath, where you will see:
- "EPA Takes Stance on Aircraft Chemtrail Debate"
- "Chemtrails Explained: The Geoengineering SRM Field Experiment"
- "HAARP Report: Chemtrails bad, Geoengineering SRM Good?"
- "Aluminum, Barium, and Chemtrails Explained – JUST THE FACTS"

And this is just a sample from the site that you linked.

Now let's look at another site you linked to in post #57 in the same thread: http://www.oilfreefun.com/2012/12/timeline-history-of-weather.html

On that site's homepage we see the following:
- "Chemtrails, Aerosol Geoengineering and Bioengineer..."
- "You're invited to the JH Powderhound Pubcrawl Protest Against Chemtrails and Geoengineering..."

So the next time you attack my character, you had better check your facts first. I guess I shouldn't have expected better from someone who suggested that the northeast USA is "upwind" from the western United States.
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New member
Jan 12, 2012
keep the faith
So the next time you attack my character, you had better check your facts first. I guess I shouldn't have expected better from someone who suggested that the northeast USA is "upwind" from the western United States.

There's lie #2. You're a real piece of work. You invented that whole upwind idea in the first place and tried to get me to bite.

Just because I don't respond in kind to absurdity does not mean I endorse whatever it is you're talking about.

Obviously by your behavior and your link to "contrail science .com" you've got some kind of psychological trigger in effect. I send you a link to an article listing and documenting 100 years of climate modification and you go searching around to see if "chemtrail" is mentioned in any other articles.

You must also not be aware that there are many places in the world, and even online, where people do not limit themselves to your preferred topics.

Anyway glad to have pissed you off. You deserve it.