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Holimont 2/9

Bosco DaSkia

Active member
Oct 1, 2016
Holimont has heated sidewalks and a HSQ at the base lodge.


Holimont has empty parking lots slope side, just steps from the lifts.


Holimont has plenty of snow.


Holimont has very few people.


Holimont is the one you can actually see from downtown Ellicottvile. Holiday Valley is on the ridges behind it.


Top notch food. No bar to speak of. BYOB.


Dick Gazinya

New member
Dec 15, 2015
Holimont has heated sidewalks and a HSQ at the base lodge.

View attachment 23197

Holimont has empty parking lots slope side, just steps from the lifts.

View attachment 23199

Holimont has plenty of snow.

View attachment 23200

Holimont has very few people.

View attachment 23201

Holimont is the one you can actually see from downtown Ellicottvile. Holiday Valley is on the ridges behind it.

View attachment 23198

Top notch food. No bar to speak of. BYOB.

Hell yea. I went there for the first time in early January. I was impressed as well. The locals were telling me it was the best conditions in the last 10 years. I think it has more direct vert than holiday valley to. The glades were really nice and wide open. Can't wait to go back. I see you hit a lot of places in N.Y. Are you a gold pass member? I am and trying to hit some obscure places that I probably won't ever get to. One I did last year off the pass that I want to get back to is Hunt Hollow.

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Bosco DaSkia

Active member
Oct 1, 2016
Hell yea. I went there for the first time in early January. I was impressed as well. The locals were telling me it was the best conditions in the last 10 years. I think it has more direct vert than holiday valley to. The glades were really nice and wide open. Can't wait to go back. I see you hit a lot of places in N.Y. Are you a gold pass member? I am and trying to hit some obscure places that I probably won't ever get to. One I did last year off the pass that I want to get back to is Hunt Hollow.

Sent from my SM-G930V using AlpineZone mobile app

Nope, no gold pass for me this year. I’m using a combination of passes and employee letters to satisfy my wanderlust. SANY was just playing too many games this year. I can’t believe that gold pass didn’t even go on sale until, what? September? They did not even have the list of included ski areas ready to go at that point either. It was hard for me to justify a pass at that price when I didn’t even know what ski areas were going to be involved. And they raised the price at that time again.

I caught a lot of grief last year from Snowridge while using it there and Laszlo pulled the same shit on me that he did on you guys . So, I was kind of losing faith in the product in the first place.

Max is going away next year, so we’ll see what SANY does to get their act together. Maybe I’ll think about doing it again then.

Did you notice they just dropped the price by $301? You should ask for refund.

A Holimont pass is only $250 for a 10 pack that includes 5 lessons. $25 a day is a pretty good price for that joint.

Hunt Hollow is a nice place. I like the parking situation there. You can park right trailside, uphill of the lift and lodge, and you can still ski right back to your car. Perfect for the beer breaks.


Dick Gazinya

New member
Dec 15, 2015
Nope, no gold pass for me this year. I’m using a combination of passes and employee letters to satisfy my wanderlust. SANY was just playing too many games this year. I can’t believe that gold pass didn’t even go on sale until, what? September? They did not even have the list of included ski areas ready to go at that point either. It was hard for me to justify a pass at that price when I didn’t even know what ski areas were going to be involved. And they raised the price at that time again.

I caught a lot of grief last year from Snowridge while using it there and Laszlo pulled the same shit on me that he did on you guys . So, I was kind of losing faith in the product in the first place.

Max is going away next year, so we’ll see what SANY does to get their act together. Maybe I’ll think about doing it again then.

Did you notice they just dropped the price by $301? You should ask for refund.

A Holimont pass is only $250 for a 10 pack that includes 5 lessons. $25 a day is a pretty good price for that joint.

Hunt Hollow is a nice place. I like the parking situation there. You can park right trailside, uphill of the lift and lodge, and you can still ski right back to your car. Perfect for the beer breaks.


I guess I didn't notice the issues with gold pass because it was the first year I legitimately bought it. Last year I got it half price off a guy whose work sent him to Florida the day before new years. I've never had an issue at Snow Ridge with it. If anything, most people don't even know what it is and have to look it up or get someone who does know. I had faith in the product because last year Patrick Dunn of I SKI NY refunded me the price of a powder day Platty ticket. And I didn't even purchase the pass through them. So I was sold on it because of that. But, we all know about Laszlo and being Laszloed with his famous bait and switch scams with other promotions. I've even heard stories from former employees about how he has ripped off local contractors. It sucks because the hill is awesome and I really want to be able to say good things and promote a family run ski resort. But, the gold pass just worked for me. The last 2 years I work 3 days per week and always weekends. Leaves me lots of time midweek to ski and then I usually rent it out over the weekend to try and recoup some of my cost. I didn't know about the deal at Holimont. That was my first time there but, I really liked it. I will definitely be going back.

Bosco DaSkia

Active member
Oct 1, 2016
Most of my problems with Snow Ridge occurred in the very beginning of the season. I don’t think they understood what they signed up for when they joined that program. She seemed very surprised that I was able to use it as often as I did. I guess she didn’t read her contract. She stopped giving me a hard time after a while. But she was never very happy to see me.

I work swing shift. I’m off and skiing on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Friday and Saturday. I usually hit Holimont every friday. If you’re going on a friday let me know.

I’ve seen you guys around from time to time. At Snow Ridge mostly. You’re pretty easy to spot with that yellow helmet and no poles. But you’re usually on the hill as I’m on the lift. I don’t look up much when I’m on the hill. Too busy slayin it.

I saw you and snoloco at Gore last year as I was hitting the AE2 for the last run of the day. I meant to say hi to you guys, but I lost track of y’all at the top. We’ll run into each other eventually. State isn’t all that big.

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Dick Gazinya

New member
Dec 15, 2015
Most of my problems with Snow Ridge occurred in the very beginning of the season. I don’t think they understood what they signed up for when they joined that program. She seemed very surprised that I was able to use it as often as I did. I guess she didn’t read her contract. She stopped giving me a hard time after a while. But she was never very happy to see me.

I work swing shift. I’m off and skiing on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Friday and Saturday. I usually hit Holimont every friday. If you’re going on a friday let me know.

I’ve seen you guys around from time to time. At Snow Ridge mostly. You’re pretty easy to spot with that yellow helmet and no poles. But you’re usually on the hill as I’m on the lift. I don’t look up much when I’m on the hill. Too busy slayin it.

I saw you and snoloco at Gore last year as I was hitting the AE2 to for the last run of the day. I meant to say hi to you guys, but I lost track of y’all at the top. We’ll run into each other eventually. State isn’t all that big.


I will try to take you up on that offer some Friday. Drink some beers and slay some woods. I didnt know you had seen me out. But, watch out ive had poles most of this season. Just have noticed all the small places around NY you seem to get to. What part of the state are you located in? We are southern tier which makes us pretty centrally located to travel to ski. Can't get enough of those lake effect powder days.

Bosco DaSkia

Active member
Oct 1, 2016
Yeah, I get around. I’m in central New York, but I work for the canal, so I’m all over the state.



Well-known member
Nov 8, 2006
Newmarket, NH
Never heard of this place but it does look cool. Heated sidewalks and no bar, though. Priorities are out of whack.

Sent from my iPhone using AlpineZone

Bosco DaSkia

Active member
Oct 1, 2016
Never heard of this place but it does look cool. Heated sidewalks and no bar, though. Priorities are out of whack.

Sent from my iPhone using AlpineZone

They do sell beer and wine, they just don’t have a “bar area”. For me it’s a small trade off for for the ability to byob right out in the open in the main lodge. Saves me many dollars.
