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Year round beer or seasonal beer changes???


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
Brooklyn, CT
This is how I like my coolers of beer


Neatly organized, just the anal retentive nature I have ;)

Likewise, my beer fridge has some definate resemblance to this one.


Granted my beer fridge is stocked with about 90% bottles and a token 10% cans(solely for use in coolers on the golf course ;) ) But my beer fridge is organized by brand :rolleyes:

This on the other hand would drive me crazy



Definately helps to convince me that I need therapy more and more ;)


New member
Mar 18, 2008
E. Hartford, CT
You say snob, I say someone who's able to enjoy the finer things in life...

I think it's a little bit off to call Magic Hat #9 a fruity beer. Yes, there's fruit, but it's only a hint. I also enjoy Blue Moon with orange. It's a good beer without it, but the orange complements the other flavors quite well. Just as #9 would be good without the apricot.

And a word on temperature. Sure, better beers may be better at warmer temperatures, but sometimes what I'm looking for is a cold drink. Especially when I'm drinking #9, Sam Summer Ale, or things of that nature. In fact, the reason I only drink #9 during the summer is that its lighter flavor and feel go well when I'm looking for something cold.

Plus, I only have one refrigerator.


Staff member
Jul 1, 2001
Nothing wrong with being a snob. Though Marc's post was about as snobby as Greg's post was lacking sarcasm and pot stirring

I also had a good time skiing [thread="31123"]Okemo[/thread] last season. I guess I'm just an easy-to-please mofo. Somehow that is often looked negatively upon....


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
You say snob, I say someone who's able to enjoy the finer things in life...

I think it's a little bit off to call Magic Hat #9 a fruity beer. Yes, there's fruit, but it's only a hint. I also enjoy Blue Moon with orange. It's a good beer without it, but the orange complements the other flavors quite well. Just as #9 would be good without the apricot.

And a word on temperature. Sure, better beers may be better at warmer temperatures, but sometimes what I'm looking for is a cold drink. Especially when I'm drinking #9, Sam Summer Ale, or things of that nature. In fact, the reason I only drink #9 during the summer is that its lighter flavor and feel go well when I'm looking for something cold.

Plus, I only have one refrigerator.

I consider #9 straight up fruit. That's just me though as I pretty much can't stand any fruity beers. A lot of people like Long Trails Blackberry Wheat where I think its nasty. Oddly, the only people I've really come across that enjoy #9 are out of staters. When I lived in VT, most locals would thumb their nose at #9 in Favor of Magic Hat's other offerings. I personally always thought their Blind Faith was the best they offered. That said, I never really was much of a fan of Magic Hat in general. Great marketing, poor product in comparison to other VT beers. I much preferr Long Trail, Catamount (RIP), Otter Creek, Trout River, McNeils and many others to Magic Hat.

What do I know though; if it wasn't for #9, Magic Hat would be dead long ago. It was only supposed to be a seasonal summer beer when it was introduced. The marketing team persuaded the owners and brewers to make it a year round offering. Had the owner himself tell me had he not listened, he would've gone under.


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
I also had a good time skiing [thread="31123"]Okemo[/thread] last season. I guess I'm just an easy-to-please mofo. Somehow that is often looked negatively upon....

I would say that's a positive quality.

In general, American society is conditioned to appreciate superlatives in life. The biggest, baddest, most expensive, etc, etc,.....

It's very apparent here on the forums. There are plenty of folk on here guilty of ski area snobbery. I'm not completely innocent of this myself. Honestly though, had I not moved to Maine and had to adjust my appreciation for different areas, I'd probably still be a snob. Back in the day, I pretty much held the opinion that all mountains in New England outside of Stowe, SB, MRG, Smuggs and Jay were crap because I was skiing those areas 50+ days a year and they have the best snow and 'sickest' terrain. Relevant to the thread, I was also what one might consider a beer snob back then and wouldn't think of drinking schwill.

Fast forward to today and I boast about killer times I have skiing the Mt. Abram's, Shawnee Peaks, Black Mountain's, Someday Biggers and Sunapees of the world. I rarely drink beer anymore, but when I do it's often canned schwill at the beach on hot sunny days. I can't think of the last time I spent $30 on a bottle of wine outside of a restaurant, when ten years ago I wouldn't consider buying something under $15 at a store. I don't drink Corbet Canyon, but I'm fond of Black Box wines. They're no puligny montrachet, but they suit my needs just fine.

I could go on and on about how I used to be all about the 'best' experiences in life. Guess the older I get, the easier I am to please...and that's a good thing. Looking back, I wonder how I afforded the lifestyle I once lived. Oh yeah, I shared bedrooms in cramped ski houses and rang up an ass load of debt :lol:


New member
Jul 10, 2001
Ashland, NH
I also had a good time skiing [thread="31123"]Okemo[/thread] last season. I guess I'm just an easy-to-please mofo. Somehow that is often looked negatively upon....
I ain't got nothing snobby to say about that. Okemo is well run and is well enjoyed by many people. If someone was snobby about not too steep groomers, Okemo would be the best place around for them. But I thought this thread was about beer?


Active member
Sep 15, 2004
I wish seasonals were year round. Specifically, fall and winter beers. I don't get into the whole lighter beer during the summer thing. Just because it is warm out doesn't mean I want a beer that tastes worse than what I drink when it is cold. Having trouble finding Double Bag right now because local package stores have replaced darker brews with lighter seasons on shelf. That's crap.

An amazing thing happened to me two weeks ago. I picked up my old stand by of Harpoon IPA only to drink a bottle and think it was light tasting. Mind blowing stuff. You start drinking 8-10% ABV and even a quality beer like Harpoon IPA tastes light and watery.

I've yet to find a 'summer seasonal' that tastes very good so I stick with my usual's and stock up on my darker seasonals when I can.
