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Stratton 2/9/18


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2013
A minute from the Alta exit off the I-15!
WOW What a beautiful day! Snow was amazing! I skied 9:00-3:45 no breaks. I was on a tree skiing crusade. I've seen better conditions a couple times this year but not with this much base. It's deep out there, folks. It was crazy how much tree skiing I did today with minimal obstacles. I'm so used to tree skiing being about picking your way down- around this rock, avoid that stump, watch out for the ice. Today it was mostly point em' down and ski.

I don't ski Stratton much. I haven't been in the woods there in years but I remembered how good they were with a lot of snow. They did not disappoint. My favorite runs were off in the Kidderbrook area. Tough to lap but very worth it. Very little traffic over there compared to the trees off of the Ursa lift. My favorite run was doing the top 1/2 of Test Pilot- which isn't very steep but it's just narrow chutes cut into a grove of pine trees. Then I'd cut over to Vertigo which is the total opposite- a very very wide open glade that had seen very little traffic since the storm. My honorable mention glade goes to Kidderbrook Ravine which had a lot of different fall lines to experiment with.

I wish I had done more bumps today. Upper Liftline and Beardown were superb but I just couldn't pull myself out of the woods.

Liftlines were minimal. I waited 3 minutes in the gondola at 9:45am before bailing to the upper mountain lifts. Ursa was a couple chair wait in the singles line til noon when things cleared out.

All-in-all an awesome day of skiing.


Active member
Oct 1, 2008
You timed it perfectly! Glad to hear the woods skied well. We'll see how things hold up after today.

I like the woods off of Kidderbrook as well. A good variety.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
Brooklyn, CT
Agree!! I was there too! My kids were part of the crew on Frank's Falline all day on Super G skis.

My wife and I, and a few other friends/racer parents actually got to ski all day without kid race watching commitments as the kids were training all day.

The snow was flat out great!! My favorite was the ?? Great Bear Glade to World Cup off the snow bowl quad. Trees to soft, powdery bumps was just a blast! Even my wife, who usually isn't a bump fan, agreed that that loop was worthy of a few repeats!!

Was a bit dissapointing on Saturday to experience literally within about a 90 minute span on Saturday morning the weather taking the snow from soft and dry to sticky and wet..... Glad I got to enjoy Friday!!

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New member
Jan 4, 2012
Agree!! I was there too! My kids were part of the crew on Frank's Falline all day on Super G skis.

My wife and I, and a few other friends/racer parents actually got to ski all day without kid race watching commitments as the kids were training all day.

The snow was flat out great!! My favorite was the ?? Great Bear Glade to World Cup off the snow bowl quad. Trees to soft, powdery bumps was just a blast! Even my wife, who usually isn't a bump fan, agreed that that loop was worthy of a few repeats!!

Was a bit dissapointing on Saturday to experience literally within about a 90 minute span on Saturday morning the weather taking the snow from soft and dry to sticky and wet..... Glad I got to enjoy Friday!!

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Yea it was wild how the snow changed from morning til after lunch.

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