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Vail trip from Dec. 23rd through the 27th.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2019
Resort or Ski Area
Dec 23, 2021
Snow Conditions
  1. Powder
  2. Packed Powder
Well it wasn't looking good for skiing in Colorado two weeks ago, so much so that we were really concerned that the lack of snow and trails opened would make the lines and experience bad. Luckily enough it started snowing the day we got there and it never stopped, putting the trail count at Vail around 130 every day we were there. Other than the Game Creek bowl none of the back bowls were open. I do like Blue Sky Basin but I don't like the lines back there nor do I like the two hours spent making the round trip trek so it was no loss to us as we mostly ski the frontside of Vail anyway.

I was surprised that the lines were not horrible at any lift, maybe ten minutes tops. The great thing about Vail is that all of the unmarked glades on the frontside are rarely skied making it an amazing experience when there is snow. The unmarked area on the left and right of the Skipper trail and all of the unmarked glades between Prima Cornice and the North Rim is some of the best tree skiing on the entire mountain. I also got to spend a bunch of time in the Game Creek Bowl and really like it back there as well, no one was sking the unmarked glades in there, so we had them all to ourselves!

All in all we had a great 4 days of skiing, my problem with Vail has always been that it's too big and spread out. We stay in Cascade Village so if your over in the Northwoods or Highline sections it's a good 30 to 40 minutes to get back. Blue Sky Basin takes about and hour. On the plus side, Vail is always the safest choice for December skiing as they will be sure to get as much terrain as possible opened at their flagship resort. I've had too much bad luck skiing the East in December which is why Colorado is our go to spot now for early season skiing. Below are some pictures from the trip.........


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2019
This thread is the first positive thing anybody's had to say about Vail on this board in months:LOL:

Well that is for sure! I was speaking to Vail employee on the lift ride and he was saying that even if the mountain was fully covered in snow they wouldn't be able to operate the whole place as they don't have enough employees. Alot of people have been calling out sick due to Covid as well. With that being said I feel that the lines were worse last year during the same time period.......Thinking about it, I guess waits were worse last year because lifts weren't at full capacity and there were no singles lines.
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