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Ski Butternut 12/15/13


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2013
A minute from the Alta exit off the I-15!
Time Skied: 9:40-3:50
Conditions: Powder and PP (6 inches of snow)
Weather: AM: Upper 20s with flurries. PM: Mid 20s, windy, cloudy

Pulled into the parking lot for the first time this season. I pulled into the same parking lot one year ago today for my first ski day as well. The difference: Last year was opening day with half the mountain open on sub-par condtions. This year: 100% open, snowy, and skiing like it was Febuary. What a difference a year makes!

Walked up to the lift after booting up at 9:30. It was lookin' pretty good from the lift. Butternut had groomed everything overnight (of course) but there was a lot of powder untouched on the sides of trails. It skied just as good as it looked! The morning was great! Soft snow. A bit dense, but I wasn't complaining. In the PM the new snow got skied off. You could pick what you wanted to ski: Ice in the center of trails or fluff on the sides. Guess what I chose? Kudos to the mountain for getting 100% open. Crowds all day were quite light. Usually less than a 10 chair wait. However, at 12:30 there was a mad dash to get up the mountain after lunch and lines got over 5 minutes till 1. The weather was weird. Either it was warm and snowing or cold and windy. There was quite a squall at around 11 which made for a nice touch. Right after lunch it was bitterly cold and windy. Felt more like Vermont than Massachusetts. Later in the afternoon it flurried and stayed relatively warm and the winds died down. Excellent first day on the slopes! Estimating 25 runs for about 20,000 vertical. Good workout for the legs! They were killing me by 3!






New member
Mar 6, 2005
St Petersburg, FL
I was there on Saturday it was nice, good snow, absolutely nobody there I skied up to every lift right on and because of the wording on their website I was able to get 2 lift tix for 25$ on a weekend instead of the normal rate so that made it well worth the trip..