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Sunday River 11/28, 11/29, 12/1


Apr 24, 2018
We skied on Thursday and Friday, and will ski again on Sunday.

Thursday was really good. 4" of snow fell on Wednesday night made all upper mountain trails really good, including natural terrain like upper cut and locke line and some parts of goat path. The coverage were good. Racing team wasn't training on thanksgiving day so we got to ski T2, which has a lot of wind drift. Right stuff is wind scoured on top but skied really well the rest of the way. Almost all trails skied well that day. Happy that we made the drive there. The terrain was more fun that Killington a few days ago.

Cold temperature returned on Friday. They also opened Spruce Peak, upper risky business skied well under the gun, a lot of soft snow. All upper mountain trails, including natural terrain skied nicely. Lower mountain had wet snow the day before then turned into frozen granular overnight. Grooming helped but it got skied off by noon. This was supposed to be another great day with moderate amount of crowds. However, due to ineffective management, they kept shutting down lifts due to mechanical issues. (edit: they claim that the mechanic issues were due to weather, but it was 20s in lower mountain, ~15 at the top, with moderate wind, seems to normal benign weather to me.) Barker was down in the morning, by noon both Locke and Spruce were down, the Locke was up the barker was down, when spruce is done, locke was only loading every other chair. Not a lot of people but long line like Stratton weekend. What a shit show. The skiing was good but we only got 10ish run before calling it a day early. There was also a point Last Tango was open. It shouldn't open, a bunch of icy single track. The trees on the side of lazy river are skiable.

Here's a short video if you want to see the condition.

We skipped Saturday and opted for hiking. Will ski more on Sunday and report back.


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    Snapshot 2019-11-30 20.53.07-2.jpg
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    Snapshot 2019-11-30 21.01.04.jpg
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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2006
Newmarket, NH
Nice job with the video. SR seems to be doing well with natural snow so far. We were there on Nov 25th, and were shocked at how much snow was on Sluice. I’d somehow never skied that trail before, but I virtually never go on 3 Mile off of Lazy River.

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Apr 24, 2018
Nice job with the video. SR seems to be doing well with natural snow so far. We were there on Nov 25th, and were shocked at how much snow was on Sluice. I’d somehow never skied that trail before, but I virtually never go on 3 Mile off of Lazy River.

Sent from my iPad using AlpineZone

Thanks! Still trying to learn how to make ski videos.

We ended up at Sluice by accident as well. My 6 year old daughter took me to 3 mile trail, which is a green that I would avoid myself. Then we cut to Sluice. A lot of snow there.


Apr 24, 2018
Quick update on Sunday 12/1. We heard from others on the lift chair that Saturday was a shit show, too many people, long lines, etc... Sunday was actually good. We skied from 8-10, grooming was good, lines were short. Had 7 runs before leaving. After the busy Saturday, natural terrain became much more icy. Upper cut and locke line still skiable but south paw was mostly ice and grass. They are making ton of snow on Monday Morning and American express. should be opening soon. It should be good next weekend, if they don't screw up lift operations.