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Breckenridge March 12,13,14 (15,16,17 didn't happen)


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2014
Hunter, NY
My long planned Colorado adventure was to be to stay in Breck and travel out from there using my EPIC Pass. My Colorado friends were going to come visit me..
Well - nobody wanted to come out because of the virus and I had no car so.. I rode Breck. It was great sunny weather - we had a little snow every night. Was nice to ride at my own pace. Nervous about the whole virus thing but it didn't seem like a big deal at the point when I left. I kept telling myself if I could hike the peaks and not hack up a lung I was probably OK.. I pretty much stayed in my room when I wasn't riding a got room service delivered as I had heard that some of the Colorado areas had cases.

On the 14th I walked over to the lift and saw the signs about "social distancing".. I was then like "uh oh"... I backed off the line and got on my phone and changed my flights and shuttles to the next day. We were social distancing on the lifts as much as possible. Some thought is was BS some were paranoid. After I got back to the hotel room I found out the Vail had closed all of its areas. I packed up my shit that night... Tried to smoke all the stuff I had and finish off my bottle I bought.
Found out the shuttles were almost booked and the planes were getting booked up too so I was glad I took the time to change it BEFORE the shit went down.
Flights were strange.. I have lunge access so I stayed pretty out of the way of people.. My girlfriend picked me up at JFK - spent one night in Brooklyn and fled to Hunter where we've been ever since..

Stay safe y'all...


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2012
Wash DC area
Glad you got to do at least part of your trip. And you got to ride Breck when it wasn't too crowded. :spin: I had a good few days at Breck in late January and an employee joked with me then that the best thing for reducing Breck crowds has been the emergence of IKON.

I was skiing in Utah on four days of that same week. Things were still pretty normal. Two friends from the East flew out and joined me and didn't have problems with their flights, but fortunately they had already planned to stop skiing on the 14th and flew back on the 15th. We were all shocked when everything closed on the 15th. Utah is probably weeks behind hot spots like NYC with respect to the infection curve. Although Park City (per capita) has had it worse than the rest of the state.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
Lower Hudson Valley
I didn't see it either.

As I was preoccupied with what was happening at the time, skiing was the last thing on my mind in April. (I had my own little "pandemic skiing" experience I was processing at the time too)

Good bump, Nick.