got there early- liftie said it was about 5 degrees- snow guns blowing on tongora so thats where i headed- it was great, deep artificial pow, just had to put your hood up- snow was drifting over into winnisook glades & winisook to, so i stayed in that area alot skiing off lift 6, real sweet conditions, minimal liftlines- skied the black diamond woods between belleayre run & wanatuska, never did that before, trees are tighter in there then winisook glades, flat light but it was cool- surprised to see so many other tracks in there- went over to utsayantha, wow what a trip- they blew a huge mound of snow on the front face so when you stood on top of it there was a huge sheet of vertical ice below with no getting around it- couple of boarders decided to diverge thru the woods instead of taking that on but I went down it, felt like i was parajumping without a chute, landed in deep pow which slid off the face & stopped dead- never seen it like that before, didnt go back either haha-headed over to seneca which was nice- crowds thined out after 2 so i just skied at will til the legs started going....& then some haha
p.s. wanatuskas getting bumped up just above overlook lodge & they made a mini terain park on the bottom part of tongora below roaring brook
p.s. wanatuskas getting bumped up just above overlook lodge & they made a mini terain park on the bottom part of tongora below roaring brook
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