I had a few hours to kill while visiting my parents so I decided to get some turns in at my old local hill. Had to set up a new computer for my folks, unfortunately, which meant I wasn't getting to ride in the morning. Got on the lift at 1:00 to surprisingly small crowds. I was definitely surprised. This should have been one of their busiest weekends and I remember lines being much longer when I was a kid. It snowed about an inch over night, but this was pretty much just for show. The snow quality was pretty variable, as it often is this far south and east. Ice patches abounded, with loose granular and wet packed powder that must have just been blown in the last couple nights. The northwest side was much better than the north, which was icier through the terrain park. Some of the jump landings were literally sheets of ice and looked very sketchy. Plus, high traffic areas got scraped off pretty quick which exposed the bulletproof layer beneath. This set up a scene I was familiar with as a teenager: a bunch of kids in hoodies and basketball jersies queued up at the top of an icy rut leading to a rail of some sort. Not my idea of a good time. Took a couple runs in the terrain park, hit the two features I can still manage, then made my way over to the northwest side. Broadway was wet packed machine made snow, but littered with slowly moving slalom gates. Extreme and Grizzly were fairly nice: a bit firmer but not icy. The rest of the northwest side of the hill rode about the same and was actually quite enjoyable. Left by 4:00 and the crowds still hadn't descended. Seemed odd that even with so-so conditions there weren't more people. Oh well. Off to the Poconos tomorrow.
Crappy cell phone pics:
Crappy cell phone pics: