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Ben and Jerry's Mammary Munch????


New member
Feb 7, 2004
Have you seen the lunch thread where we discussed this? Moe just might puke after this! :lol:

They have the right idea that we were not designed to consume the milk of other animals. Think of how many people are lactose-intolerant (or are and don't know it). That comes from not only consuming milk that isn't our own, but consuming it long after the age we should (and then you can add in pasteurization which kills off the stuff that actually helps you digest it).

I say this as a person who thoroughly enjoys cheese and ice cream, so this is not meant to be judgmental. I know I'm a hypocrite, too. For a while we were consuming only raw milk and (when it could be found and afforded) raw milk cheese, to help offset some of this. But finances don't allow that anymore, unfortunately. Raw milk does taste a heck of a lot better though. I won't drink pasteurized/homogenized milk. Only use it in cereal or for cooking.