Hi Guys -- first post. Please take a minute to give valued advice to a couple athletic 47 year old newbies. Wife and I downhilled (real word?) for the 3rd time last Sunday. We don't want the season to end! Got fully outfitted with good gear after our first time out, 3 weeks ago. The small places we've skied in the western Adirondacks are wrapping it up this weekend. The big question: Where is the best area with adequate snow cover on GREEN runs for next Friday (4/6)? We live in northern NY, so Adirondacks and all of VT are within reach. Have read lots of posts, and looked at trail maps.....Sugarbush is good? For "greenies"? How about Whiteface? We want to get out for one last hurrah, and have never seen snow go so fast -- damn rain!! Thanks!! Mike