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Lost Valley 03/01/2015


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
We originally planned on skiing at Cannon but the my wife and son were not feeling well with colds. Being that we were in Rangley, ME we opted to take the easiest way home. So we headed in the Auburn direction. About an hour into the drive my wife could tell that I wanted to ski and without telling started looking things up as we approached Auburn she out of the blue suggested Lost Valley. Knowing that it was small we thought it would be fun to tool around at to get day 30 in the books. So we went for it.

It is small but has a lot of character. We ended up skiing every trail and tried to catch air on anything that had a ramp look to it. That made it fun. Did not see anyone else doing that but what the hell. Their set up is basically two doubles and one of them very colorful. Bull Moose was under the colorful chair and had decent pitch with bumps to skiers right and a little powder skiers left with a good launch point at the bottom most lift tower. Alpine East was a steep trail for such a small ski area and was left natural and apparently not skied often. Logging Trail was a cool winding trail that was fast but left you skating to the lift. Technically Alpine East does too. Big Buck is a cool wide trail that you can get a lot of speed on in a short distance. Pine Grove is flat flat flat with tall pine widely dispersed.

Off the other chair a few short trails that have some pitch but not what most would consider black trail namely Fischer and Beaver. Beaver has a small glade to skiers right but unmarked. Bear Terrain Park had three features one small jump and two rails. Other Slide is a glade area which is the best glade with a 4-5 foot drop. We had a little fun there. We also ventured off into the wood on the back side where we ended up on a cross-country trail and popped out on Rabbit Run which is another relatively flat run. We basically skied all of the runs that had the best pitch after everything was explored. Like I said earlier we looked for anything we could launch off.

All in all we had some fun and checked it out. It is a cool little ski area that is good for the locals. The lodge is small and there is a small bar but lacked a good beer selection. At least we can say we skied it even though we would probably never return. It was just in the right place at the right spontaneous time.

Bull Moose bumps (looks pretty flat due to light)

Bull Moose better view of colorful chairs

Alpine East

Other Slide Glade Exit
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Active member
Apr 20, 2009
New Gloucester, ME
Don't see too many Lost Valley reports! I learned to ski there back in the 80's. Typically get back once a year mostly for nostalgia and because it is only a half hour from me. Fun for a couple hours (they sell 2 hour tickets too), and a great asset to the local community and people getting into the sport. They almost didn't open this year, hope they can keep it going.


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
Don't see too many Lost Valley reports! I learned to ski there back in the 80's. Typically get back once a year mostly for nostalgia and because it is only a half hour from me. Fun for a couple hours (they sell 2 hour tickets too), and a great asset to the local community and people getting into the sport. They almost didn't open this year, hope they can keep it going.

We bought the 2 hour ticket which is about right. I think that the 2 hour ticket is a great idea and other ski areas should do the same IMO. The fact that it almost closed was one of the reasons my wife thought we should swing by and make turns! Place has character.