I figured I would post this thread/sticky to offer sites that discuss the conditions in the backcountry. As always, ski at your own risk and AZ nor myself accept any responsibility or liability for what you do using the information provided here. Be Prepared in the backcountry. Know how to rescue yourself if need be and know the area and the weather.
Information for popular destinations:
Tuckerman Ravine, Huntington Ravine, the Presidentials.
Katahdin/Baxter State Park (look to the right for an update). Note that BSP has tight regulations for those seeking to backcountry ski.
The Higher Summits of the Green Mountains.
Bolton Valley's Nordic Center (which has extensive BC options).
If anyone has other sources, please post them. I could not find one for Greylock or the Adirondacks.
Information for popular destinations:
Tuckerman Ravine, Huntington Ravine, the Presidentials.
Katahdin/Baxter State Park (look to the right for an update). Note that BSP has tight regulations for those seeking to backcountry ski.
The Higher Summits of the Green Mountains.
Bolton Valley's Nordic Center (which has extensive BC options).
If anyone has other sources, please post them. I could not find one for Greylock or the Adirondacks.