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List the most dangerous skier / boarder on the mountain


New member
Oct 12, 2005
Spencerport, NY
Within a millisecond snap decision when moving, those to avoid for your own safety, for myself at least:

1) Much like driving, anyone using a cell or smartphone while moving.
2) The park rat on his way to the park
3) tele-tubbies
4) drunks
5) the average usual beginner
6) the older guy who thinks he skis far far better than he does
7) 95% of anyone wearing jeans (the other 5% end up being some of the best skiers I've ever seen)
8 ) Crazier, taller, brighter, pointier, etc. the hat = worse the skier
9) Those with a general lost look on their face
10) Those decked with the most top notch, primo $$$ gear head to toe
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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2006
Right where I want to be
Those to avoid for your own safety, for myself at least:

1) Much like driving, anyone using a cell or smartphone while moving.
2) The park rat on his way to the park
3) tele-tubbies
4) drunks
5) the average usual beginner
6) the older guy who thinks he skis far far better than he does
7) 95% of anyone wearing jeans (the other 5% end up being some of the best skiers I've ever seen)
8 ) Crazier, taller, brighter, pointier, etc. the hat = worse the skier
9) Those with a general lost look on their face
10) Those decked with the most top notch, primo $$$ gear head to toe

New Yorkers with Starter jackets
Anyone from Jersey


Active member
Dec 26, 2004
Stereotyping is a wast of time and energy. Looks are deceiving. Don't judge a book by its cover...................

15 years of patrolling - it can be anyone anytime anyplace just not thinking and doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. Too much speed at the wrong time on crowded trails or near lift lines causes a lot of collisions that are completely not necessary. Skiing beyond the trail boundary on a trail that you have never been on before can be real dumb and result in long term quality of life injuries. I have seen teenage snowboarders get cut off by 40 something skiers more times than you think.

Just because a teenager buys into the Burton bad a$$ marketing gear doesn't mean that kid is bad to the bone. Just because someone dusts off their old ski gear and clothes to get out on the slopes for the first time in 15 years doesn't mean they can't out ski you.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2006
Right where I want to be
Stereotyping is a wast of time and energy. Looks are deceiving. Don't judge a book by its cover...................

15 years of patrolling - it can be anyone anytime anyplace just not thinking and doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. Too much speed at the wrong time on crowded trails or near lift lines causes a lot of collisions that are completely not necessary. Skiing beyond the trail boundary on a trail that you have never been on before can be real dumb and result in long term quality of life injuries. I have seen teenage snowboarders get cut off by 40 something skiers more times than you think.

Just because a teenager buys into the Burton bad a$$ marketing gear doesn't mean that kid is bad to the bone. Just because someone dusts off their old ski gear and clothes to get out on the slopes for the first time in 15 years doesn't mean they can't out ski you.



New member
Nov 25, 2009
What I find dangerous is people who hang out in the middle of a trail. A lot of times they think the are fine because they are in "plain sight" but don't realize that the contour of the mountain hides them until you are right up on them. Then you have the boarders that buckle up in a line that stretches all the way across a narrow trail. Look, i get it. You have to sit to buckle -- BUT DO IT ON THE SIDE OF THE TRAIL! At Killington a couple of weeks ago, I literally had stop and wait two or three times because people were buckling up all the way across a trail. Let's get this straight: I have NO problem with people who board -- but ski patrol needs to put a stop to this practice. Start giving out warnings to people who camp in the middle of a trail.


New member
Dec 23, 2011
People that are the worst...

1. People who stop in the middle of the trails to hang out and wait for people.
2. People who after stopping, do not look up the trail to see what is coming down, and just go. Look and see what is coming behind you.
3. People who are making turns and then just stop without showing any signs of slowing down, moving to the side of the trail, etc. They just stop.
4. Little kids who shoot out of the woods without looking to the trail. I was riding Waterville and this kid, came out of the woods 1foot in front of me. I snowboard, and had to stop so fast that as I turned hes skis went over my board and thru my legs. I had to bear hug him to ride it out so we didn't die.
5. People who hang out right after a ridge, so as you come over the ridge they are just there.


New member
Oct 12, 2005
Spencerport, NY
Stereotyping is a wast of time and energy. Looks are deceiving. Don't judge a book by its cover...................

15 years of patrolling - it can be anyone anytime anyplace just not thinking and doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. Too much speed at the wrong time on crowded trails or near lift lines causes a lot of collisions that are completely not necessary. Skiing beyond the trail boundary on a trail that you have never been on before can be real dumb and result in long term quality of life injuries. I have seen teenage snowboarders get cut off by 40 something skiers more times than you think.

Just because a teenager buys into the Burton bad a$$ marketing gear doesn't mean that kid is bad to the bone. Just because someone dusts off their old ski gear and clothes to get out on the slopes for the first time in 15 years doesn't mean they can't out ski you.

Look, I mostly agree with your perspective perched high above on the pedestal of greater moral authority :))), but in the the nano to half second time frame I may have to make a decision to alter my course because another human being is in the way, I'm afraid the most limbic judgments I exercise are basic stereotypes. I can see how this mechanism evolved millions and millions of years ago to enable fight or flight risk assessment scenarios through high speed analysis of the stereotypes within the environment. Example: large teeth with fangs my instigate flight, brightly colored insects may instigate avoidance, alkaline smelling plants might be poisonous, these are all "stereotypes" so to speak because we all know puppies have fangs, butterflies are sometimes brightly colored, and persimmons are edible.

I posted this just out of curiosity because I believe that whether they admit it or not, everyone does it to some degree in dense traffic. I agree with not judging a book by its cover, but when the judgment is at the limit of my neuronal speed I will opt to not read the book with a pile of crap on its cover. If I have the time and see how the subject actually behaves, I am apt to change my initial assessment. (example - owl crap is fascinating) I cannot help if my brain starts to see patterns emerge from years of data. True though, that this pattern recognition is responsible for many of humanities greatest downfalls and worst characteristics. However, it also enabled us to survive to the point of having light bulbs, iPhones, ski lifts, etc.

I even edited my original thread post to clarify.


New member
Nov 25, 2011
Albany, NY
I've found the guys that rock the handle bar mustache and 1993 Miami Dolphins Starter jacket to be up there. I can't rag on all of the blue jeans guys too much. Some of them are great skiers.


New member
Mar 4, 2010
Enfield, CT
My boss skis in jeans and he's really good. He's one of those "my legs don't get cold" guys.

I love rollers so one of my biggest pet peeves is when people stop right on top of good rollers to wait for people or have a look around. Especially when the trails are all groomed smooth and things get kind of boring. Rollers are important to keep it fun on those days.

I also really hate people that ski/ride through the parks but have no interest in hitting any features. They are just in the way. I hate having to get a special park pass but at least they keep those people out. There's nothing worse than having your flow through a line interrupted by a parent leading a parade of his kids in wide turns across the approach and landing of jumps.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2006
Right where I want to be
My boss skis in jeans and he's really good. He's one of those "my legs don't get cold" guys.

I love rollers so one of my biggest pet peeves is when people stop right on top of good rollers to wait for people or have a look around. Especially when the trails are all groomed smooth and things get kind of boring. Rollers are important to keep it fun on those days.

I also really hate people that ski/ride through the parks but have no interest in hitting any features. They are just in the way. I hate having to get a special park pass but at least they keep those people out. There's nothing worse than having your flow through a line interrupted by a parent leading a parade of his kids in wide turns across the approach and landing of jumps.

Special park pass?


New member
Oct 12, 2005
Spencerport, NY
This guy...

Awesome. Sums it all up right there - old guy who's self classified "expert", the general lost look, stupid hat, idiotic expensive clothes, and I know its probably an impossibility, but he fits the body language of answering a cell phone call as he wanders into the race line. All he needs is a go-pro on his head.