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Magic 2/14/2015


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
Well this was another of the RSNE tour stops and while we have truly enjoyed Magic last season, we were concerned about lift line issues. We knew in advance that only the Red Lift was running thanks to intel from here. The one thing we noticed on the way is how bad the frost heaves are getting on some of the back roads. The is not easy way to get to Magic. We arrived around 9:30 and took our time getting geared up and were in the lift line closer to 10. The line was looking a little long but was like a 15 minute wait. We skied like 4 runs in 2 hours as the line was getting progressively longer. So we bagged it and when in for lunch. I wanted to hang out side a little longer expecting the lunch crowd to go in and the line would be shorter but my son was hungry.

In any case, two beer later we headed back out and holy lift line. We waited like 30 minutes and the line was not moving very quickly so we took one run and bagged it and decided on another beer. This was messing up my trail side Valentines Day ideas. We went in and found a friend who had just came in and he said he waited like 40 minutes.

We almost decided to head home when I decided to check the line and it seemed a little more bearable around 2:30. So we headed back out and did another 3 runs.

Enough about my bitchin':

Witch - nice bumps but there were definitely some icy/scraped off spots that challenged those not ready for it. I was OK with it but my wife was hating me with her broken thumb. Once at the bottom of that short trail we were deciding on Red Line or Goniff Glade. Going up the chair I noticed that Red Line was a little skied off so Goniff Glade it was based on anther skiers opinion. It was in great shape with fairly large soft bumps and great pitch. It was more bumped out this year then last year when we were there. My wife was a little nervous but she was a trooper once again. Does not want her thumb to hold her back too much. We continued down Show Off which skied really nice.

Another combo was Wizard->Broomstick->Black Line->Link->Heart of Magician->Lower Magician. For starters Broomstick was boring and flat. Black Line had nice natural powder bumps and lots of loose powder chopped powder. Heart of Magician was partially groomed but the skiers right was powder bumps. Lower Magician was fun too with natural conditions - chopped powder. We did that combination three times changing it up with Hocus Pocus or going into The Hallows which was nice and was tracked but powder still remained in spots.

Wizard to Sorcerer was ok. Conditions were awesome but wizard is flat and boring while sorcerer was steeper and coverage was great - it was flatter than expected with a few powdery bumps scattered about. We did do a run all the way down Wizard which I will never do again. Outside trails are never that exciting as we all know. You freeze because you glide and never work.

Talisman was closed for racing which bugs me! But......what can I say! Magician was closed as well - not sure why since it looked pretty good. These are two trails that I have not skied there that I expected to.

Overall favorite runs Black Line and Goniff Glade and least favorite Wizard.

We celebrated the Hallmark Holiday on the lifts!

Black Line down

Black Line up

Lower Magician


Active member
Nov 26, 2007
Seacoast NH
May audible from Dartmouth to Magic this coming Sat but not if lines are like what you found this past wknd.
Nice report! Glad you made the best of it.


New member
Mar 4, 2010
Enfield, CT
Sucks about the line. Did you the Black liftline from the top? It was awesome when I was there like a week ago. Disappearing Act and The Wardrobe glades were great too. So much good stuff there, I love exploring it. I'm hoping they'll open for a powder day this week on Wed or Maybe go Thursday.


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
Sucks about the line. Did you the Black liftline from the top? It was awesome when I was there like a week ago. Disappearing Act and The Wardrobe glades were great too. So much good stuff there, I love exploring it. I'm hoping they'll open for a powder day this week on Wed or Maybe go Thursday.

Black Line not from very top! Did not even consider it because it was off my radar. Plus skiing with my wife on V Day and she has a broken thumb so..... Don't get me wrong she will try most anything and she did some decent runs considering she broke about 14 days ago. I will take that kind of wife!


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
Brooklyn, CT
Sucks about the lines!! The Vermont Alpine Racing Association (VARA) made the audible about 4:30 on Friday with Magic's input to move the schedule U14 age group slalom for Sunday to Saturday based on the forecast, so that added the 200 or so people to the lift line that I had mentioned in another thread to the Saturday crowd, and hence why Talisman was closed!! :-( At least most of those in spandex race suits and slalom armor shouldn't of effected you wait for a brew in the BLT! ;-)


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
Sucks about the lines!! The Vermont Alpine Racing Association (VARA) made the audible about 4:30 on Friday with Magic's input to move the schedule U14 age group slalom for Sunday to Saturday based on the forecast, so that added the 200 or so people to the lift line that I had mentioned in another thread to the Saturday crowd, and hence why Talisman was closed!! :-( At least most of those in spandex race suits and slalom armor shouldn't of effected you wait for a brew in the BLT! ;-)

But that whole group acted like they owned the lodge - their shit was everywhere and rude. I have come to expect that when I see racing events scheduled.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
Brooklyn, CT
But that whole group acted like they owned the lodge - their shit was everywhere and rude.

The running joke, and this is fully as a Mount Snow racer parent now, is that those kids that try and take over the lodge and the lift lines, are the STRATTON kids ;-)