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Wachusett 1/11/09


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2003
Spencer, MA
Date(s) Skied: Sunday Night 1/11/09

Resort or Ski Area: Wachusett, MA

Conditions: PP, Crud, 20s, mobscene

Trip Report:

Crazy big crowd at Wachusett tonight. I love the way so many people flock to the mountains after a snowstorm and then stuggle big time and complain about the variations in the terrain. Like the last decent storm in December, the conditions weren't as good as they should've been due to overgrooming and lack of experience scraping down all the trails.

Conifer: Hit it once before grooming and there were just too many idiots to try to get through for it to be fun. The steeps were all bumps with some scrape in between and all the people on the trail just froze and snowplowed back and forth across the pitch. They went down in masses too which didn't help.

10th: Never got to it before grooming, but after it was mainly PP with a couple scratchy patches. There were some nice places to get air on the way down which was fun. Bottom was fast and flat.

Smith: Snowmaking was going almost top to bottom by 7. Most of it ended up going for 10th and beyond as the wind took it all and created a giant cloud over the summit. There were some crappy areas before the steep but the steep itself was great yet again and they took the fences down so the right side was a real good line again. Lower was like 10th... fast and flat. Polar was in normal speed with a 15+ minute wait most of the night.

Minuteman was even more of a mobscene than Polar so I didn't get up there. But you know its crowded when you can only get 10 runs in 3.5 hours. Don't know if I'll be able to get up this week as I have a lot going on early in the week and I don't know if I want to go when it's -15 Thursday night. If I don't make it up I'll be at Okemo on MLK day which will probably be about -4 million the way the temps are looking next weekend.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
Thanks for making feel better about not making it up tonight. My sister-in-law was going to take the kid this afternoon, but right before I was going to head out with them called and told me she couldn't do it until 7:30.

I'll be there Thursday. It might be just for my 2 runs on the course . . . after which you'll find me in the Black Diamond with a beer and a plate of nachos.