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  • Who do you work for? My company is doing a ton of constrution in Cambridge right now. Microsoft, Charles River labs, Novartis, etc. I am just curious.
    Nope not us but we were susposed to do a bunch o fwork there. I think John Moriaty is doing that work for HYM. I spent a winter on that site a few years back digging a huge hole to remove contaminated soil. Not very fun. LOL Nice location. Lots of food and music in Cambridge.
    Skiing Friday? I might head up Thursday night and do Friday. Rains comming in Saturday midday.
    I'm likely done for the season. Packing things up in my condo Friday after work and heading back to NJ Saturday morning. Unless somehow some meetings at work Friday are cancelled, doesn't look good for me to make it out on Friday.
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