New member
Date Skied: Sunday, March 21st, closing day
Weather: 40s in the morning warming to the mid-50s with mostly cloudy sky's with some breaks of sun now and then.
Great day on the hill today for closing day. After talking with folks who were up on Saturday, despite the lack of sunshine today, overall conditions were better than Saturday. Skied all the main snow-making runs, with a Broken Arrow, Tomahawk (some walking and grass skiing involved) and Mini Dole mixed in there. UMASS was probably my run of the day with some really technical skiing due to conditions and natural hazard avoidance. Runs like that really make me love the place. Woods were toast, so other than the small link of turns in Tomahawk that we tried out no other tree runs today.
Thanks goes out to everyone that's shown Berkshire East some love this year. Until the snow flies in Western MA again.....Peace. Shabadoo!
Weather: 40s in the morning warming to the mid-50s with mostly cloudy sky's with some breaks of sun now and then.
Great day on the hill today for closing day. After talking with folks who were up on Saturday, despite the lack of sunshine today, overall conditions were better than Saturday. Skied all the main snow-making runs, with a Broken Arrow, Tomahawk (some walking and grass skiing involved) and Mini Dole mixed in there. UMASS was probably my run of the day with some really technical skiing due to conditions and natural hazard avoidance. Runs like that really make me love the place. Woods were toast, so other than the small link of turns in Tomahawk that we tried out no other tree runs today.
Thanks goes out to everyone that's shown Berkshire East some love this year. Until the snow flies in Western MA again.....Peace. Shabadoo!