First time back at Berkshire East in almost 2 years- sorry that I waited so long. Our first run was unknowingly on Tomahawk. I saw the trees and dove in, a little steeper than I liked and had wished we'd saved it for a later run. We rode the chair with a Snowboard Instructor who to took us into the woods off of Roundabout( Wilderness Peak Area?) and found stashes of untracked snow. My son loved it, his favorite run of the day. After we skied Blizzard Island a few times- not as hard as I remembered it. Bumps and trees pretty widely spaced, pretty low angled trail. After lunch we checked out the East Glades. The last time we were here it looked too steep, but this go round it was cake walk. I guess all the skiing has finally paid off.
The last run was Lift Line, pretty scratched up with rocks and icy spots to navigate, but fun to ski. My favorite run of the day.
Glad we went back and sorry it took us so long. I hope to make it back up there at least a couple more times this season.Think snow not wintry mix!
The last run was Lift Line, pretty scratched up with rocks and icy spots to navigate, but fun to ski. My favorite run of the day.
Glad we went back and sorry it took us so long. I hope to make it back up there at least a couple more times this season.Think snow not wintry mix!