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Blue mountain 3/5....Hero snow

Aug 23, 2007
Hey All,

I'm back from a fun session at Blue mountain. I got out of work real early today because business was really "Dead". I arrived at Blue around 2:30PM and there were about 15 cars in the lower lot. The temperature was 43 degrees under sunny skys with a strong Northwest wind. The snow was very smooth hero snow..soft but still fast except for homestretch..so delightful..like butter..creamy. After 4 runs I ran into Toast and skied with him for about an hour. We mainly skied Razors with a few runs on Challenge. Toast got mad steeze air off the falls. My quote of the day which Toast found funny was,"Gapers don't know they're Gapers".

Toast left around 3:50PM and I continued mainly skiing Razors which was so nice. I skied one run down Barneys bumps which had nice snow but the bumps shrunk a ton and were too easy..so I just straight ran them and then skied a run down Switchback because I needed to use the mens room on the side of the trail.. Paradise was pretty sweet and the last left turn was mad steezy for getting low. Just for shits and giggles, I was timing my laps and most of my Razors laps were about 7 minutes including the liftride. I skied 2 runs on Razors, 1 run on Challenge, and 1 run on Lazy mile in 29 minutes which is better than an 8 run per hour pace. That was possible because the lift wasn't stopping and there were no lines. I actually only rode the lift with two other people besides Toast. A ski patroller who got his training in Colorado and a Vilanova student.

The TruTV film crew was out in full force. They pretty much have been given Carte Blanche by the management. They have season passes and get rides in the patroller snowmobiles. Every chance I get, I ski in front of the camaras. In three hours, I skied a total of 23 runs for 24,150 vertical feet. When I left around 5:33PM, the temperature was down to 38 degrees. The snow was firming up alot my last few runs. All in all it was a really fun session. Good snow, no crowds, and comfortable temperatures made for a wicked good time..Holla