New member
Date(s) Skied: 1/27/11
Resort or Ski Area: Blue Mountain Ski Area
Conditions: Top 10 day at Blue. Powder, Fresh cord, nice packed powder. Bluebird.
Trip Report: After waking up to find 18" of white goodness in my front yard, I got all excited for a spectacular day at Blue...and I wasn't disappointed one bit. I had no issues with roads not being cleared and made it to Blue in a respectable 1 hour and 33 minutes (I've been timing different routess). Anyway, I pulled into the lower lot to find AtomicSkier and GrilledSteeezeSandwich already booting up. Soon Noxidee and NSJay arrived, and we almost had a full six-pack.
First run down Razor's was the best it's been all season. Super smooth cord. Quickly learned that Blue didn't groom everything out. Way to go Blue
They left Nightmare, Dreamweaver, Switchback and Crossing ungroomed. Perfect. A very nice balance.
So many fun moments, both on the lifts and snow. I got screwed up reall good, as I came barreling down Crossing to find a mogul field. :blink: I was lost and confused...trying to figure out how I got "backwards" on Main Street
. I like the bumps in their new location, because it lets me rip on a section of Main Street I don't get to hit often. Props to Blue for changing things up a bit. GrilledSteezeSandwich showed me and Noxidee where to cut over to get some under the Main Street lift. Thanks for that.
After finding some fresh pow on Sidewinder, I saw Tarponhead coming down through lower park. Glad you made it dude. On the next run back through Sidewinder, we got into a bit of a fix skiing through some boot deep pow on one of the mountain bike trails. Good times, good times.
Unfortunately the skiing was so good, we didn't get any pictures. AtomicSkier did get some video of GSS dropping the big cornice. Skied until 11AM and called it a day. What a great season we're having again.
Resort or Ski Area: Blue Mountain Ski Area
Conditions: Top 10 day at Blue. Powder, Fresh cord, nice packed powder. Bluebird.
Trip Report: After waking up to find 18" of white goodness in my front yard, I got all excited for a spectacular day at Blue...and I wasn't disappointed one bit. I had no issues with roads not being cleared and made it to Blue in a respectable 1 hour and 33 minutes (I've been timing different routess). Anyway, I pulled into the lower lot to find AtomicSkier and GrilledSteeezeSandwich already booting up. Soon Noxidee and NSJay arrived, and we almost had a full six-pack.
First run down Razor's was the best it's been all season. Super smooth cord. Quickly learned that Blue didn't groom everything out. Way to go Blue

So many fun moments, both on the lifts and snow. I got screwed up reall good, as I came barreling down Crossing to find a mogul field. :blink: I was lost and confused...trying to figure out how I got "backwards" on Main Street

After finding some fresh pow on Sidewinder, I saw Tarponhead coming down through lower park. Glad you made it dude. On the next run back through Sidewinder, we got into a bit of a fix skiing through some boot deep pow on one of the mountain bike trails. Good times, good times.
Unfortunately the skiing was so good, we didn't get any pictures. AtomicSkier did get some video of GSS dropping the big cornice. Skied until 11AM and called it a day. What a great season we're having again.