Well-known member
Date(s) Skied: 01/26/11
Resort or Ski Area: Blue Mt
Conditions: Snowing - Packed Powder - niblets of powder and wind
Trip Report: Went to Blue for a night session with my son who was skiing mostly Razor's in preperation for his race on Sunday. Left NNJ in light snow and drove up via Camelback where I keep my ski's. The ride up was blacktop all the way to Camelback Road where it became snow packed. The ride from CBK over to blue was snow covered but not bad in a continuing light snow. Got to Blue about 4:30.
The skiing was great and I was a little surprised how few people were there. The base at Blue is pretty low in elevation and it was interesting to be down there in calm and light snow then ride to the top of the ridge where it was a full blown noreaster raging. It was actually difficult to get to the headwalls on Challange and Razor's with the wind in ones face. The wind was also picking up snow and depositing it on the lee side of the moguls making it a really fun soft ride down. Got to agree with Jaywbigred that the lighting there is really good and except for 2 sections were the lights were broken had really good vision down a nice long mogul field. Also went over to Barney's Bumps which was really Baney's Flats. They changed the bumps to the otherside of the trail so that they are really on Main Street now. They were more sheltered and a whole lotta fun to ski.
Gotta a call from the wife at 8 that it was snowing hard in NNJ so we packed up and headed home. The ride home was interesting but long. I make my way north out of Blue and up to 209 then to 80. Roads were snow covered the whole way so we took our time. It was snowing the whole way but once we crossed Allamuchy Mt it really started coming down. It was whiteout conditions and as bad as any drive I have taken through the Colorado Rockies and Northern Vermont during heavy snows. Gotta say I was in our older Toyota Avalon as I left the 4 wheel drive with the wife and she did a commendable job. Arrived home safe and sound about 10:15. We are having a heck of a season down here in the Pocono's
Lake Hopatcong, NJ
Resort or Ski Area: Blue Mt
Conditions: Snowing - Packed Powder - niblets of powder and wind
Trip Report: Went to Blue for a night session with my son who was skiing mostly Razor's in preperation for his race on Sunday. Left NNJ in light snow and drove up via Camelback where I keep my ski's. The ride up was blacktop all the way to Camelback Road where it became snow packed. The ride from CBK over to blue was snow covered but not bad in a continuing light snow. Got to Blue about 4:30.
The skiing was great and I was a little surprised how few people were there. The base at Blue is pretty low in elevation and it was interesting to be down there in calm and light snow then ride to the top of the ridge where it was a full blown noreaster raging. It was actually difficult to get to the headwalls on Challange and Razor's with the wind in ones face. The wind was also picking up snow and depositing it on the lee side of the moguls making it a really fun soft ride down. Got to agree with Jaywbigred that the lighting there is really good and except for 2 sections were the lights were broken had really good vision down a nice long mogul field. Also went over to Barney's Bumps which was really Baney's Flats. They changed the bumps to the otherside of the trail so that they are really on Main Street now. They were more sheltered and a whole lotta fun to ski.
Gotta a call from the wife at 8 that it was snowing hard in NNJ so we packed up and headed home. The ride home was interesting but long. I make my way north out of Blue and up to 209 then to 80. Roads were snow covered the whole way so we took our time. It was snowing the whole way but once we crossed Allamuchy Mt it really started coming down. It was whiteout conditions and as bad as any drive I have taken through the Colorado Rockies and Northern Vermont during heavy snows. Gotta say I was in our older Toyota Avalon as I left the 4 wheel drive with the wife and she did a commendable job. Arrived home safe and sound about 10:15. We are having a heck of a season down here in the Pocono's
Lake Hopatcong, NJ