Well-known member
Date(s) Skied: Sunday 2/13/11
Resort or Ski Area: Cannon, NH
Conditions: PP, Light Snow and WINDY, low 10s at the top, 20 bottom
Trip Report:
Literally hit the snooze button over and over for 2 hours this morning, so I didn't actually get on the hill till around 11. Silly me. Headed right for the top and already a brutal headwind on the summit quad. Hit the Go-Green glade which was in nice shape. I love those 3 glades off the summit (even if their names are stupid and Vermontish)... skiing through the snowcovered pines on a light-to-moderate pitch is very nice. Of course, when you hit a low-lying pine branch and create a blizzard down your neck, different story.
Headed over to Mitt for a couple runs which were very boney. Pretty rough bumps and unforgiving snow. Lots of people I talked to said I wasn't alone with that opinion. Headed back to the main mountain and hit Echo glade. Lots of bumps in between the trees because of the traffic, but snow was good.
Kinsman was next up... my first run down it ever. IMO, while it is a great glade, I don't understand the hype on it being so hard. I've heard all these stories about cliffs and mandatory air and it being among the top 3 toughest glades in New England, but I thought it was actually rather easy. Definitely easier skiing than Bypass was today lol. Anyway, snow was pretty good with the occasional rock and stump.
After some Chop Suey at the summit, braved the summit quad for a couple runs on the upper mountain glades. They were so fun to ski, but still not worth the quad ride. Might've been easier if I had a mask, but man was it brutal up there this afternoon. I feel bad for the folks heading south through the Notch... must've been 50 MPH gusts in there.
Hit up the Zoomer area for a couple runs in the glades and a run on Rocket which was pretty windblown by then. Took Peabody up intending for maybe another summit run or two, but even Peabody was brutal by then and I decided to make that the last run. Just took lower Ravine down to Turnpike Glade. Ravine was a mess... icy windblown (and the loose snow was blowing by me faster than I was skiing), but the glade was alright being sheltered from the wind.
Awesome snow up there on most of the natural stuff right now, but damn was that wind brutal. I'll be at Burke on Tuesday (forecast: high 12) and Thursday (forecast: high 47... hello there). Speaking of which... did a couple hours up there Friday... woods were so SOFT. Will try to hit Cannon Friday on the way home from school... I'll probably have an hour or so, which should get me about 10 runs on what should be great spring bumps in the Zoomer area.
Resort or Ski Area: Cannon, NH
Conditions: PP, Light Snow and WINDY, low 10s at the top, 20 bottom
Trip Report:
Literally hit the snooze button over and over for 2 hours this morning, so I didn't actually get on the hill till around 11. Silly me. Headed right for the top and already a brutal headwind on the summit quad. Hit the Go-Green glade which was in nice shape. I love those 3 glades off the summit (even if their names are stupid and Vermontish)... skiing through the snowcovered pines on a light-to-moderate pitch is very nice. Of course, when you hit a low-lying pine branch and create a blizzard down your neck, different story.
Headed over to Mitt for a couple runs which were very boney. Pretty rough bumps and unforgiving snow. Lots of people I talked to said I wasn't alone with that opinion. Headed back to the main mountain and hit Echo glade. Lots of bumps in between the trees because of the traffic, but snow was good.
Kinsman was next up... my first run down it ever. IMO, while it is a great glade, I don't understand the hype on it being so hard. I've heard all these stories about cliffs and mandatory air and it being among the top 3 toughest glades in New England, but I thought it was actually rather easy. Definitely easier skiing than Bypass was today lol. Anyway, snow was pretty good with the occasional rock and stump.
After some Chop Suey at the summit, braved the summit quad for a couple runs on the upper mountain glades. They were so fun to ski, but still not worth the quad ride. Might've been easier if I had a mask, but man was it brutal up there this afternoon. I feel bad for the folks heading south through the Notch... must've been 50 MPH gusts in there.
Hit up the Zoomer area for a couple runs in the glades and a run on Rocket which was pretty windblown by then. Took Peabody up intending for maybe another summit run or two, but even Peabody was brutal by then and I decided to make that the last run. Just took lower Ravine down to Turnpike Glade. Ravine was a mess... icy windblown (and the loose snow was blowing by me faster than I was skiing), but the glade was alright being sheltered from the wind.
Awesome snow up there on most of the natural stuff right now, but damn was that wind brutal. I'll be at Burke on Tuesday (forecast: high 12) and Thursday (forecast: high 47... hello there). Speaking of which... did a couple hours up there Friday... woods were so SOFT. Will try to hit Cannon Friday on the way home from school... I'll probably have an hour or so, which should get me about 10 runs on what should be great spring bumps in the Zoomer area.