There is absolutely no need for name calling here, if thats what you must do then please take it elsewhere. You're perfectly welcome to disagree with whomever and/or whatever you want here, just don't do it in such a manner that belittles.LVNLARG said:My tone was representative of the fact that I decided Rivercoil was an idiot long ago ...and saw he was at it his comments questioning the legitimacy of this post (a post which was all laid out in black and white literally) were bordering on mentally retarded. One scratches ones head at stuff in the National Enquirer...but if the National Post was to be caught even miss-quoting someone.. their readership (most of whom are the actual people quoted in their stories) would vaporize. Sorry for supporting someone with an actual fact based post of great interest over someone merely spewing crap for the sake of adding a post to their tally? To you he is respected me he is a moron. I don't hold that against you...but don't expect me to respect someone just because you tell me I should. Tone clarified.
BTW, riverc0il is one of the people here least likely to post just to add to his post tally.