New member
Maybe it was from watching the Olympics, or simply remembering that skiing even if mainly on groomers/hardpack >>>>>> not skiing, but I didn't let the lack of recent natural snow stop me from getting out with my boys today. (There's also the fact that with my younger son's SkiNH passbook* the total cost of lift tickets for the three of us was $51. And I was able to keep up my streak of not skiing the same area twice yet this year.)
Thought about heading up to MRG but was concerned about reports of freezing drizzle and just wasn't up for the three-hour drive - saving the energy for next weekend, when there might be much more of a payoff. So Crotched (about 1.5 hrs) was our destination, with my old 66mm-waist Atomics instead of the Gotamas I've grown so fond of. We had a fine time ripping groomers but the highlight by far was earned turns from the summit, which I booted up to for the first time (joined by my boys for subsequent runs). It's only about an extra 125' vert but the trail down skier's right - which shows on the trail map as "Natural Terrain" - had decent length and pitch and (amid some boneyness) some real nice soft natural snow. Quite respectable, including one little cliff band of perhaps 10' that I managed to go off of inadvertently and yet "stuck" (well, I went sorta sideways down the face and didn't fall ...).
Again I forgot the camera but I do have some shots from the cell phone that I'll try to upload in a day or two.
* which he earned by making a diorama on the quite interesting history of Crotched
Thought about heading up to MRG but was concerned about reports of freezing drizzle and just wasn't up for the three-hour drive - saving the energy for next weekend, when there might be much more of a payoff. So Crotched (about 1.5 hrs) was our destination, with my old 66mm-waist Atomics instead of the Gotamas I've grown so fond of. We had a fine time ripping groomers but the highlight by far was earned turns from the summit, which I booted up to for the first time (joined by my boys for subsequent runs). It's only about an extra 125' vert but the trail down skier's right - which shows on the trail map as "Natural Terrain" - had decent length and pitch and (amid some boneyness) some real nice soft natural snow. Quite respectable, including one little cliff band of perhaps 10' that I managed to go off of inadvertently and yet "stuck" (well, I went sorta sideways down the face and didn't fall ...).
Again I forgot the camera but I do have some shots from the cell phone that I'll try to upload in a day or two.
* which he earned by making a diorama on the quite interesting history of Crotched
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