New member
arrived around 8, crowded lots due to PA junior championships being held...rode the elkwagon up the hill, bought my first walkup weekend full rip ticket in a loooooong time (just started a new job so midweek days and/or extended trips were not in the cards this winter)...the lodge was crowded with racers and their families, but once we got booted up and outside there were minimal liftlines(mostly ski-on, longest wait about 1 minute), and very little crowding on any slopes...day started out sunny and then clouds rolled in, was probably in the mid 30's, no winds to speak of...i was a little apprehensive skiing my first weekend day in many years, but i was pleasantly surprised...elk ftw
on friday they got 6-8 inches of snow with an hour of niar sandwiched in, and saturday night picked 2-3 inches of drier snow overnight, which freshened everything and left surfaces very nice...they left a few runs ungroomed, as is their wont...a few slick spots here and there on the steeper pitches, especially on ungroomed seneca, but nothing terrible...trail sides has some nice sugar to push around...bumps had some icy troughs, but also some soft spots, just had to pick a line
went from 8:30-2:30 got in 20k vert and called it a day...was nice to get out before today's weather shitshow...PA skiing might be f&^%ed for the season
on friday they got 6-8 inches of snow with an hour of niar sandwiched in, and saturday night picked 2-3 inches of drier snow overnight, which freshened everything and left surfaces very nice...they left a few runs ungroomed, as is their wont...a few slick spots here and there on the steeper pitches, especially on ungroomed seneca, but nothing terrible...trail sides has some nice sugar to push around...bumps had some icy troughs, but also some soft spots, just had to pick a line
went from 8:30-2:30 got in 20k vert and called it a day...was nice to get out before today's weather shitshow...PA skiing might be f&^%ed for the season