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Killington Opening Day - 2022-3 Season

joshua segal

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Southern NH
Resort or Ski Area
Nov 17, 2022
Snow Conditions
  1. Packed Powder
Nov. 17, 2022 - Thurs.: Opening day at Killington

There was a big crowd waiting at the gondola line well before the noon opening time. By the time they opened the K1 to the public, the corral was overflowing. (It was only open for Season Pass and Icon Pass holders.)

The opening day swag was a cheesie hat with a patch sewn on with the Killington logo saying "First Day": not even the year. This a real come down from the hats they gave away a half-dozen years ago with the year, etc. knitted in.

The line to get down the Peak Stairway was impressive.

While it was a good first day, in the mind of many Killington regulars, it was a month late in coming. The snow held up well to traffic and the food was free, both at the Summit Lodge and the kiosks set up at the bottom of the North Ridge. Rime was open T2B and Reason was open until (IMO a half run, since one had to ski most of the way down on lower Rime). For those who like rails and the like, there were 8-features on Reason.

The line at the North Ridge got bad by 12:30, although it was still less than 5-minutes. The line was pretty much gone by 1:30.

Were any other AZers there?