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Ghosts and matrix and sentives, I believe there is more than just one life here group of people that do


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
There is an extremely powerful activation taking place in all Starseed souls as well as in all souls coming from this Universe, as it has been happening at an accelerated rate in recent years, as has been Divinely granted.
These are the expanded mission activations and special assignments that these souls have accepted, in order to activate and fully anchor the New Golden Age in the New Earth, as we now accelerate into the higher states of the 5th and 7th dimensions.
There will be a deep trigger when you read this in the depths of your soul.
The Ancient Earth Matrix is being completely dismantled. Cut yourself off completely.
You are no longer the same you used to be.
Remember the truth of who you are and move forward in your mission!
The power of the New Age is sweeping humanity as more and more souls are awakened to this huge wave of cosmic activation. you can learn to activate the power by adding a simple 7-minute ritual to your morning routine. see more about this shocking breakthr


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
The missing Link.

Evolution is the basis of everything on the planet.

If you were to analyze man chemically you would find he is very similar to that of the ocean from whence he came.

Now it is best to understand as they were the creatures that crawled on four that evolved into the creature that walked on two legs, there was the original entering in at this point of the spirit into the bodily flesh here on Earth.

With this entering in of the spirit the creature known as man gained reason.

Also gained logic.

Also gained memory.

Best became the growth of tool making.

Before that entering in this man was subjugated to instinct only.

Thus we have the missing link.

This will only be found in the original entering in.

So without this spiritual understanding it would be impossible for the sciences to realize how this gap was bridged.

Is it not true that man is of the flesh and is of spirit.

It is believed by most that the spirit enters in at birth.

And Truth to Spirit can enter in before birth or can enter in afterbirth this would be the true birthday.

This needs to be taken into account when making an astrological chart.

This can only be found within the mind by meditating as to when Spirit entered in.

It was not always this way.

The combination of the spirit and the man being one was the beginning of giant leaps in creativity.

Was the beginning of the creation of communication as writings on cave walls.

It was the beginning of the rapid beginning.

It was the beginning of telepathy which was commonly used by the hunter-gatherers you can bring down the biggest of Beasts.

As mankind evolved in the flesh due to these spiritual aspects did mankind evolve spiritually also.

I do not think so.

Mankind has taken these spiritual gifts of memory and logic and reason and focused them on the material level only.

Thus we have the conflict.

Thus we have a world in conflict.

Only when the spiritual memory and the physical memory merge.

Only when spiritual logic and physical logic merge.

Only when spiritual reasoning and physical reasoning merge.

Will there be peace of mind in the individual.

Will there be peace on Earth.

That's the missing link applied to this chain of life which has created progress unimaginable before that time on the physical level.

Spiritual progress nay there has not.

What is spiritual progress?

It is to recognize that the purpose of life on this ball called Earth is to learn to love in all thoughts and actions..

The purpose for all of life is to learn to love unconditionally by modifying and overcoming those aspects of self which are not so loving.

To be loving towards self and others.

To be patient towards self and others.

To be giving towards self and others.

To be forgiving towards self and others.

How do we merge the spirit with the physical in consciousness of awareness of the two.

This can easily be done through meditation.

God or Source in the universe created a way for all mankind and Spirit of mankind to merge together on the conscious level..

Simply you lay aside the emotions and the ego.

This will take you into a dream state where you can communicate with the creative forces in the universe.

It has always been this way.

The truth lies within you.

The guidance that is needed is there for all.

It is one step at a time in the endless wheel of Life of one lifetime after another lifetime in the pursuit of learning to love.

Robert Emerson "'


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
🌟 Imagine a world where business decisions are guided by intuition, where mindfulness and gratitude infuse every workplace, and where the well-being of employees and the planet are prioritized. 🙏🌍

In this transformative vision, businesses become catalysts for positive change, operating from a place of higher consciousness and compassion. 💫✨

✨ Picture a boardroom where intuitive wisdom takes precedence, where leaders trust their inner guidance to make decisions that honor the greater good. Imagine a workplace where mindfulness practices such as meditation and reflection become daily rituals, fostering clarity, creativity, and harmony. 🧘‍♀️💼

🌿 Envision employees who are valued not only for their skills but also for their well-being. Companies that prioritize the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of their team members, creating an environment that nurtures personal growth and fulfillment. 🌸💖

🌍 Now, expand this vision to encompass the planet itself. Imagine businesses that actively contribute to the well-being of the Earth, embracing sustainable practices, and nurturing a harmonious relationship with nature. Together, we can create a world where businesses are guardians of the environment. 🌱🌎

✨ Let's hold this vision in our hearts and minds, knowing that every thought, every intention, has the power to manifest change. By envisioning and actively supporting businesses that prioritize intuition, mindfulness, gratitude, and the well-being of all, we can co-create a future where business serves as a force for good. 💫🤝

Share your thoughts and aspirations for this world in the comments below. Let's unite and work towards making this vision a reality, one conscious decision at a time. 🌟💚

#BusinessWithIntuition #ConsciousDecisions #MindfulWorkplace #EmployeeWellBeing #SustainableBusiness #PlanetEarth #CoCreateTheFuture #BusinessForGood #TransformativeVision #HigherConsciousness #ManifestChange


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
Instead of asking other people to read you. Instead of looking for your answers outside of yourself.

It's time to get serious about your life and where you're going.

God created the path of meditation to bring heaven to earth.

The truth can be found within you.

Everyone needs to learn to communicate with their spiritual guides.

Everyone has them.
This is what the world needs.

Guidance from Spirit not from man's ego.

This is a simple way to find the answers that you are seeking.

The truth is always existed within you
You have to go in and find it

Do this meditation daily.

You will receive many insights about yourself.do this meditation for the purpose of establishing a dialogue with your spiritual guides. Let me know what your experience with this meditation.

Before you do the meditation write down some questions that you need to have answered.

Learn to meditate and go within your mind and you will receive all the answers to all of your questions.

This is a meditation technique to establish communication with your spiritual guides. Within you is all of the guidance that you will need throughout your life. Every question you have can be answered from within.
Ask your spiritual guides to reveal themselves to you while you're in this meditation.

Now picture in your mind that you're walking down the staircase and you can see your feet in front of your stepping down.

Focus on those feet stepping down that staircase.

Counting in your mind from 100 to 1 with every step that you take down that staircase.

Down to 99 goinging deeper and deeper down.with every number and your feet stepping down in front of you .

You are focusing on your feet taking you deeper.

You'll find yourself getting into a very relaxed state as you count down to 98. And so on down to 1.
When you get to the number 1 you will be in a very comfortable State of mind.

Now you can ask your questions you wrote down one at a time and the answers will immediately come to you.

This is a simple meditation where you can find your own truth within yourself.

This is the way it has always been done.

The truth lies within you it's up to you to go in and find it.

if you're having problems sleeping at night do this exercise and you'll get a good night sleep.

if you find yourself falling asleep then try counting down from 50 to 1.

Robert Emerson
A simple meditation teacher


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
Sprint ghost real info from great Facebook group about this stuff:
"""Have you had some telepathic conversations with some otherworld beings about some of the information that is within my message that is within the below area?

👁️🔮 (Version #4) "This message explains the following subjects: the creation of spirits, suns, planets, moons, and original physical-bodied residents of planets; the purpose of life; prebirth choices of spirits; spiritworld life; incarnation; reincarnation; the veil of forgetfulness; still-births; the life review after death; the spark of life; automatic body functions; over-soul groups; what has determined our current fate in life; why do bad things happen to good people; Source, God, or Creator; and much more" 👁️🔮
Although all spirits, that live in the spiritworld, have no gender, since none of them are composed of physical matter and since all spirits are composed of energy that is thinner than air, we don't feel right or ok in referring to spirits that live in the spiritworld as being an it. 🟡

God is also a spirit, and God is everywhere. God is the only spirit that is everywhere and at the same time. All other spirits are much smaller.

In the spiritworld, sprits are neither male or female. They are androgynous beings. Nothing, that is composed of 3rd dimensional physical matter can exist in the spiritworld, where everything and everyone are composed of energy that is thinner than air. 🟡

Spirits are like electronic signals or electrical waves that can travel through walls, houses, buildings, furniture, rocks, automobiles, airplanes, submarines, spaceships, water, fire, mountains, planets, physical bodies, etcetera. 🟡

Each one of us of Earth is also a spirit. Some of us spirits are living without a physical body in the spiritworld, and some of us spirits left the spiritworld so that we could enter into a fetus of a pregnant mother of our choice, and so that we could be born from that pregnant mother. 🟡

Each one of us spirits chose what planet to be born onto, and what type of being to be born as, and what type of circumstances to be born into, and what family to be born into, and our birth mother. 🟡

We chose our birth mother by choosing what fetus of what pregnant mother to enter into. 🟡

If a spirit never chooses to enter into a fetus of a pregnant mother, that fetus will be born as a dead baby or as a still born baby. 🟡

Our physical body is not our real self. Our separate, individual spirit is our real self. Our physical body is just a temporary house and a temporary vehicle for our spirit while our spirit (our real self) lives a temporary physical-bodied life as a resident of Earth, or of another planet, or of a spaceship. 🟡

If our separate, individual spirit (our real self) was not living inside our physical body, our physical body would not be able to think, talk, eat, drink, smell, see, breathe, move, walk, or be alive because it would then be lifeless or dead. 🟡

Our separate individual spirit (our real self) that lives inside our physical body is what does all of our thinking, and remembering for us. It is the electrical battery for our physical body. Without that electrical battery (our separate individual spirit, and our real self) being inside our physical body, our physical body could not function or be alive. 🟡

Our separate individual spirit is always connected to the spirit of God, or Source, or Creator. 🟡

God is the one that controls all of our automatic body functions, such as the beating of our heart, our breathing, our digestion of food, the growth of hair, skin, fingernails, teeth, bones, and the fighting and destroying of some germs via the white blood cells, and everything else that our physical body does, and that we separate, individual spirits are not smart enough to understand and control. 🟡

In the beginning or during a very long time, God or Source or Creator was the only spirit that was in existence. One day, God learned that he/she/it could create other spirits. After God created the first wave of spirits, God was no longer lonely and all alone. God then had someone else to interact with. 🟡

Some of the advanced spirits that God created also created some other spirits via the split-apart method, and that is how soul groups, or over soul groups are created. 🟡

Each split apart of every over soul group is also a soul mate or a twin soul.

God and other advanced spirits can use two methods to create other spirits. One of those methods is when those advanced spirits use their thoughts and mind powers to create, out of thin air, another spirit or some other spirits. The second method of creating other spirits is the split apart method, in which a spirit causes some of its spirit to branch off and become smaller spirits that are called split aparts, or soul mates, or twin souls, or group souls. 🟡

There are three diffferent methods that a spirit can use to enter into physical-bodied life. ((( By the way, a spirit and a soul are the same thing. Those are two diffferent words that have the same meaning. )))

The first and most common method is physical-bodied birth. After a physical-bodied couple gets together to create a baby or a fetus, a spirit has to choose to enter into that fetus. If a spirit does not choose to enter into that fetus, that fetus will be born as a dead baby, or as a still born baby, and that is also the same for the creation and birth process of insects, and animals. 🟡

The second method that a spirit can use to enter into physical-bodied life is called the walk-in/soul-exchange method. That method occurs when a spirit, that is in the spiritworld, will trade places with a spirit that is already living inside a physical body on a planet or in a spaceship, and after those two spirits will have met and agreed to do that. The spirit of that physical body will agree to permanently leave its physical body and return to the spiritworld so that the other spirit can enter into it and take over and live in that physical body and until that physical body permanently dies, but the original spirit will not leave its physical body until after the other spirit enters into it. 🟡

The third method that a spirit can use to enter into physical-bodied life is when an advanced spirit will use its thoughts and mind powers to create, out of thin air, an adult-sized physical body that it can enter into and live in. That method prevents a spirit from being born as a helpless baby that can't talk, or walk, or do much of anything else for itself. 🟡

That is how the first physical-bodied residents ((( insects; animals; humans; plants; bacteria; etcetera ))) of all planets started existing and living on a planet. 🟡

After the first sets of those types of physical-bodied residents started living on a planet, they started procreating and creating babies. Either some spirits created their own physical body or some other advanced spirits created their physical body, or a mixture of both processes occurred, when the first physical-bodied residents started existing and living, for the first time ever, on a planetAfter a physical body dies, it will rot and no longer exist, but your separate individual spirit (your real self), that was living inside that physical body, will immediately return to the spiritworld, and immediately after your physical body dies. Your physical body can never enter into the spiritworld. Nothing or nobody, that is composed of physical matter, can enter into, or exist, or live in the spiritworld, where everything and everyone is composed of matter that is thinner than air. 🟡
After spirits return to the spiritworld and after their physical body has died, they will have a life review so that they can study, in great detail, everything that they thought, said, did, and experienced in that physical-bodied life that they just died from.



Active member
Dec 17, 2022
God made us Perfectly Imperfect

People are illogical unreasonable and self-centered.
Love them anyways.

if you do good people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

Good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable.
Be honest and Frank anyway.

the biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

what you spend years building can be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

people really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

This was proudly displayed at Mother Teresa of Calcutta children's home.


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
My mentor whom I met in the 1970s name was Ross Peterson.

We became very good friends.

He is no longer with us but his readings are.

Do yourself a favor and Google on YouTube" Ross Peterson the new Edgar Cayce."

You will be able to listen to some of his readings there

They are profound and life changing.

Robert Emerson


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
"7 things that affect your vibrational frequency from the point of view of quantum physics.
Vibration in quantum physics means that everything is energy. We are vibrating beings on certain frequencies. Every vibration equals a feeling and in the "vibrational" world, there are only two kinds of vibration, positive and negative. Every feeling makes you emit a vibration that can be positive or negative.
1st - Thoughts
Every thought emits a frequency out to the universe and that frequency goes back to the source, so in case if you have negative thoughts, discouragement, sadness, anger, fear, it all comes back to you. This is why it is so important that you take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn to cultivate more positive thoughts.
2nd - The Companies
The people around you have a direct impact on your vibrational frequency. If you surround yourself with happy, positive, and determined people, you will also enter this vibration. Now if you surround yourself with complainers, medics and pessimists, be careful! Indeed, they can decrease your frequency and therefore prevent you from exploiting the law of attraction in your favor.
3rd - The Music
Music is very powerful. If you only listen to music that talks about death, betrayal, sadness, abandonment, all of these will interfere with your vibration. Pay attention to the lyrics of the music you listen to, it could be lowering your vibrational frequency. And remember: you attract exactly what you vibrate into your life.
4th - Things You Watch
When you watch shows that deal with misfortune, death, betrayal, etc. your brain accepts this as reality and releases ao whole chemistry in your body, which affects your vibrational frequency. Watch things that do you good and helps you vibrate at a higher frequency.
5th - The Mood
Whether at home or at work, if you spend a lot of time in a disorganized and dirty environment, it will also affect your vibrational frequency. Improve your surroundings, organize and clean up your environment. Show the universe that you are capable of receiving so much more. Take care of what you already have!
6th - The Word
If you pretend or speak poorly about things and people it affects your vibrational frequency. To maintain your frequency high, it is essential to eliminate the habit of complaining and bad talking about others. So avoid the drama and victimization. Take responsibility for your life choices!
7th - The Gratitude
Gratitude has a positive effect on your vibrational frequency. This is a habit you should incorporate into your life now. Start giving thanks for everything, for the good things and what you consider bad, give thanks for all the experiences you have experienced. Gratitude opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.
Weird Egyptian frequency creates miracles 🎶
I just heard this woman’s “sacred” frequency.
And I’m still shaking...
On one hand, I feel like I'm all-powerful and yet have a sense of calm..
And I tried out her frequency, and I’ve never felt better. I see new opportunities everywhere that I never saw before❤️
This message has already transformed the lives of thousands of people…
I highly recommend you to read this article before it's gone👇
Illustration: Daniel Martin Diaz - Wave telepathy"


Active member
Dec 17, 2022

ex gwL
From the great people on Facebook about why we get sick and much more.

"What is illness.

This is a long read but well worth your time.

Whether it is known or not or whether it is accepted or not all illnesses of any entity are the end result of sin.

Sin for what?

Sin first in that of the thoughts.

Thoughts are real as anything you might know.

Mankind is on the brink of developing mechanical devices that could measure the length of a thought wave.

When this is consummated you will find that the records known as akashic records will be available to all.

At this point man will be able to explore specific causes of illnesses within specific individuals.

Now there's a lot of misconceptions about sins.

Now to understand this more easily we will discuss the subject of matter.

Now if you would take any physical body or any object you would find that it is composed as Man knows as atoms.

Now if you were to go deeper into matter you would find there are many mini atoms.

And you could go deeper and deeper and deeper.

You would not find what man thinks of as matter.

What you know as matter is a conglomeration of thought.

This is the creative force of God expressed in its simplest terms.

All things are of God or source and are of the force of God created in an instant.

If mankind knew of the powers of their mind then man could produce matter.

This has been shown to be done throughout history.

in order to more easily understand life in this dimension it is best to look towards the mind.

Mind is the builder.

Mind is the master.

Mind is the direct link to the creative forces in the universe.

A thought of the mind is transmitted to every atom of a physical body.

Atoms are in a constant state of vibration.

Every atom can be considered a universe within itself.

And we contained within this atom might be a planet.

And within that planet are universes.

All are vibration.

All are a portion or an extension of the thinking process.

That which is held in the mind as thoughts ultimately must be produced in that of the physical form.

The physical body itself is an expression of selfishness.

Now if one would hold in their mind thoughts of peace and tranquility ,one that would not condemn ,one that would not hate, one that would not envy ,one that would not judge, you would find the average lifetime of that entity in the flash would be between 120 and 140 years.

Hold your mind tightly upon that of your ideal your aspiration to be godlike.

Which is simply to say to be loving.

Anyone that would hold that in their mind could be instantly healed of any disease

There are no incurable diseases.

There are no incurable illnesses.

There are only incurable attitudes of mind.

Modify your attitudes and then you begin your healing process.

What is it that heals?

Is it a lotion?

Is it a potion?

Is it a massage?

Is it certain forms of surgery?

All of these things might be helpful.

it is the natural state of the physical body to be healthy.

Even after surgery your body has to heal.

The word disease.

Dis means without. Ease is self-explanatory.

When a mind is without ease the body becomes diseased.

Diseases that are linked with mental attitudes.

There are many effects in the body caused by dis-ease of the mind .

We will speak of certain generalities.

If you would find those that would be stiff and unyielding in their thinking.

Those who can be narrow.


Ultra conservative.

Those that would be defined as most judgemental.

You may rest assured that their body at sometime will become rigid.

As is there thinking.

If any entity would let too many things or actions of others gall them.

Then you would find disruptions in the gallbladder.

If you find an individual that cannot express their feelings.

They could be compared to a boiler with no safety valve.

And as the force of emotion continues to fill the boiler the boiler eventually there must be an explosion.

This is usually manifested in the physical is what is known as a stroke or cerebral hemorrhage.

For others it might erupt as a heart attack.

Every physical body has portions of it that are very strong and portions of it that are very weak.

There is genetic differences in all bodies.

You could have a situation of the same cause that would affect the same organ in different entities in a different way due to the genetics.

Of course there is no accident that your spirit chose that physical body full well knowing what the genetics were to fulfill its karma.

You would find those that would take the breath away from others.

Those in a position of authority .

Those that would subjugate dominate.

Those that would enforce others to follow their command there would be problems in the respiratory system.

If you force the breath from another then the breath will be forced from thee.

You will reap that what you have sown.

This carries over from one lifetime to another.

Does it sound too simple to say there are certain things that you could not stomach.

If you do there will be some problems in the stomach.

If the entity would have vanity as a portion of its record refuse to eliminate this from its record then chances are the disruption would be in the lower elimination system.

it could affect the circulation of the body in mostly the consistency of the blood.

If you find an entity at war with one that would be ever so giving and also be ever so taking. this would be the conflict within their mind.

Then there is excessive deterioration in the central nervous system.

Muscular dystrophy would be one example of that. Multiple sclerosis is another.

If you would find that an entity would let the kanker of worry to grow in grow in their mind.

You would find the entity would suffer from the rapid growth of cells.

You can look at certain aspects of diseases that are found in the blood and that of the accompany of organs that are responsible for the cleansing of the same.

The diseases of the blood can be easily ascertained if you would explore that which is laid down symbolically with those of certain faiths.

Most usually they will suffer from some inbalance in the blood.

As a contributing factor there are many diseases of the kidney and of this portion of the elimination system.

What is the function of the kidney?

To remove toxins from the blood in order to purify.

Those who are not pure in thought.

Those that would hate or be envious must suffer some disruption in that of the kidneys.

They buy their own choice are refusing to eliminate this from their thinking.

You would find that those that are born deformed are usually the end result of warped thinking.

Warped thinking will produce a warped skeletal system.

Those that are disfigured at those that have shown no shame.

Karma is real and these things carry over from a previous life.

Go where there were those days that there were purges in the church.

This is within five or six centuries as you know time.

Many were put to that of the rack with a body with stretch to excruciating pain.

Suppose you were the one that turn the rack and cause these bodies to be disfigured.

Now you had to do this or you would end up on the rack.

If you did this with compassion in your mind so the pain that was being suffered by another it is your karma that you would enter into another lifetime and be the physician that healed those who were racked in pain.

if you turn to the rack and enjoy the sounds of the excruciating pain it would be your karma to be born into a physical body that is racked in pain.

Perhaps in a condition of scoliosis.

this is all done simply by your thinking activated by Karma.

It's not what you do it is your intentions behind what you do that makes all the difference and activate your karma.

Now that one who has lived lifetimes of gluttony.

They will retain a certain passion for the taste of food.

Consequently they will have a tendency to become obese.

By not dealing moderately with food the impaire circulation and they impaire elimination.

You may take those diseases which are classified by man and known as karmic in nature.



Active member
Dec 17, 2022


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
Your purpose is to carry information and, by carrying it, to make the information accessible to others by frequency. Information is light; light is information. The more you become informed, the more you alter your frequency. You are electromagnetic creatures, and everything that you are, you broadcast to everyone else. ⁣⁣
— Barbara Marciniak ⁣⁣
✨Art by: Daniel Diaz Martinez✨⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
#higherself #frequency #consciousness #spiritualjourney


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
Do you know how Ancient the Magic flowing through your veins is?

Do you know how Powerful You Are Soul Fam?

Far beyond this planet, the origins of the human race go.

Nothing can ever disconnect your soul's connection with God.

This original consciousness knows no limits.

In and out of Oneness, the Universe continues to cycle around.

The soul eventually breaks free from these universal cycles at some point in time, as if rebelling against the tides of fate.

Just like a baby in a mother’s womb, it starts with a small kick, then gradually changes into individualised patterns of Enlightenment and self-realisation.

An intrinsic code that destiny wants to play out is when an ascending soul sparks a brand new way of existence by flowing into the Oneness of a Universe.

This is how a Creator God is born.

The birthplace of a human who finally recognises who they are is the true spiritual initiation. This is not taught.

You will never go wrong when you create from love.

The greatest mystery as to why love does what it does cannot be second-guessed by any authority or anything else in this Universe.

As a universal inhabitant, there will always be an element of the unknown.

Enlightenment is like a cosmic onion with infinite layers/levels.

You can only ever understand and assimilate knowledge based on your level of Understanding, Awareness and Consciousness.

A source of great power for those who recognise that 'The Unknown' is not Fear-based, but that Great Power comes from knowing that 'The Unknown' was scripted to automatically enlighten those who dare to uncover the mystery of their existence.

Manifestation is not the actual event, but an event horizon.

Spiritual abilities are not an effect of the Oneness within Unconditional Love but are products of an Event Horizon.

Moving beyond your Event Horizon produces True Power.

The perfect stage for your Awakening is your Fears, Conditioning and Stories.

Until next time Soul Fam 💞🙏🏾
Obi Ejimbe
The Lightbender"":https://www.facebook.com/groups/1584221685057157/permalink/3307977369348238/?mibextid=Nif5oz


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
All of our perspectives of reality are based on what we experience here on this Earth.

There is life in many dimensions throughout the universe.

Your spirit which dwells in your physical body is not of Earth.

It is also life in another dimension.

It is your life in another dimension as well as your physical life is.

Here on Earth everything has a beginning and an end.

But the universe and other dimensions is a circle with no beginning or end..

Everything here on Earth has earthly requirements.

Life in general needs to breathe oxygen to survive.

Life in general needs to eat foods to survive.

Even the act of sleeping revives the body so it can survive.

life in the universe in the spiritual plane does not necessarily have these requirements.

Life in other dimensions absolutely does not.

Here on Earth operation Seti sends out radio waves to detect life in the universe.

Other life in the universe does not use radio Waves.

In all the years they've been doing that project I think they found one little irregular sound.

Yet the universe is teeming with life.

Most communication is done telepathically.

Telepathy is the purest form of communication.

You can do it over vast distances.

It is extremely accurate.

Someone might say I saw a White House.

But white may have an unlimited number of shades of white.

If you see a telepathic message in your mind it will be the exact shade.

The bigger question is why did your spirit which is not of earth and none of the earthly dimension enter into your physical body that has all of the requirements of life on Earth.

In the very beginning it was to experience the emotions which only exist here on Earth in the physical plane.

As does the ego which only exist here on the physical plane of Earth.

Nowhere else in the universe.

Do we not experience emotions on a daily basis?

Do we not feel the influence of the ego on a daily basis?

Do we not experience the influence of our emotions in our decision-making.

Now since that very early entering in things that were experienced by you and how you responded have become part of God's love Karma have become part of God's law of karma.

Things that were sewn in your fleshly body must be reaped in your fleshly body.

Karma is God's way of introducing you to yourself.

All the eras of self need to be corrected and will be corrected by you.

As it is said "all in your own sweet time."

You've been promised all the lifetimes that you will need.

Things that you don't deal with in this lifetime you will have to deal with in another.

Over and over again lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.

If you are in a relationship and refuse to deal with aspects of yourself that certainly come out in a relationship.

You will simply have to re-enter into another physical lifetime with the same partner in the same relationship bringing up the same emotional attitudes until you get it right and let go.

If it seems like a lot of work it is.

Life is serious.

Life is serious work.

It is not meant to be taken lightly.

Meanwhile take a break sometimes and go out and have some fun.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Do the best you can.

Try to be the best person you can everyday.

Look for the best in others and you'll be bringing the best in yourself out.

Life is hard enough don't be hard on yourself.

Life is about learning love.

Life is always been about learning love.

Life will always be about learning love

Robert Emerson


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
This is a bit of a long read so be patient it's worth it

Everyone is exactly where they are supposed to be in their lives.

Everyone is doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing in their lives.

Everyone is going exactly where they are supposed to go in their lives.

It's not what happens to you in life that goes into your akashic record.

It is how you deal with it.

That's where the rubber meets the road.

Perfect for you to see that and reflect on it.

That gives you a chance to deal with yourself.

The most important thing you can do is reflect on your intentions.

Not what you do but why you do it creates your karma whether it be karmic debts to be payed or karmic rewards forthcoming.

That creates Karma that will carry over into other lifetimes.

So again and again you'll be dealing with those same emotions until you learn to lay them aside.

Until you learn to let go.

Calm down.


Take a deep breath.

There's still a lot of work to do on yourself

I suggest as I always suggest to learn to meditate for the purpose of establishing a dialogue with your spiritual guides.

They will help you with how you deal with things.

They will help you to stop responding in the same way lifetime after lifetime until you get it right.

Everybody needs help.

Their advice is always lovingly given.

We have all had many many lifetimes of making the correct choices and making the incorrect choices.

The correct choices come back to you to reward you in a future lifetime.

The incorrect choices come back as a karmic debt that must be paid and will be repeated

Again you will experience the same turmoil until you learn to get it right.

Anyone that thinks that life is just a dance of flowers and chasing butterflies just has to reflect on their own lifetime to understand it is not.

It is not all roses.

Nobody promised us a Rose garden and I guess they were right.

Life is a lot of work.

In the midst of all this stop and smell those roses we weren't promised.

Stop and watch the wind dance through the leaves in the trees.

They adapt to whichever way the wind is blowing.

We can learn something from those leaves.

There is nothing that is more rewarding then to become a better person.

Many will ask what is my purpose.

Your spirit entered your physical body here on this Earth for one purpose and one purpose only.

That is for you to evolve on the physical plane in your physical life to being a loving, kind, compassionate and giving individual.

Make no mistake about this.

You are here to learn to love unconditionally.

This will be accomplished by overcoming all of the aspects of yourself which are not so loving.

You've been promised all the lifetimes you will need to accomplish this

This is your purpose and only purpose

Yes it's nice to help other people.

Yes you may be a teacher.

It is most important to realize that even the teacher only teaches those things they need to learn.

I certainly applaud anyone that chooses consciously to help others.

We are our brother's keeper.

Never look down on anyone unless you are reaching down to pull them up.

Helping others is not your purpose though.

Your purpose is to help yourself.

Your spirit entered into your physical body for that purpose.

You are here to grow and evolve.

At death your spirit leaves your physical body to review the lifetime lived and how much was added by pursuing that purpose.

You review what was subtracted and are lessons that still need to be learned.

And then of course you prepares to re-enter in again and again to further pursue your individual development.

This is a school.

This is a very difficult school because the lessons you need to learn which is love as so often resisted.

Every lifetime is an opportunity to move on to the next grade.

Sometimes we are held back because that life time was wasted on pursuing all the wrong things.

Sometimes you're held back because you did everybody else's homework except your own.

In that lifetime you may have been that one who has held most high because of the knowledge that you knew and shared with others.

if you did not apply that knowledge to yourself you waisted of the lifetime.

If you don't accomplish this in anyway even the smallest way, you have wasted that lifetime.

Now even the smallest accomplishment the size of a mustard seed makes that lifetime a glorious success.

There is no rush we have been promised as many lifetimes as we need.

Take your life seriously.

Understand it is a grand opportunity to learn to love.

Let's go.

Open your mind.

Open your heart.

Every time you learn something about yourself it is such a grand experience.

Remember you learned it by practicing it.

To realize how much you have grown.

To understand the lessons that you have learned.

This is ohttps://www.facebook.com/1151570787/posts/pfbid02xLYpMvDcaborqzzmXYGJjwTKqC8SgktKs5RCuXWvizAejLdhwXKUZDSia5xXtHWml/?mibextid=Nif5ozur journey.

This is our purpose.

Good luck and keep an open mind.

Robert Emerson


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
On the subject of reincarnation.

Each lifetime is as a school.

Each lifetime is a place of understanding and learning

Reincarnation is for the purpose of continuing on your path to learn to love unconditionally.

It cannot be done in one lifetime.
It takes many many lifetimes.

There is no limit to how many lifetime's you've been promised to achieve this.

So do the best you can in your present lifetime.

Look for the best in others and you'll be bringing the best in yourself out.

it's important to remember that you are held responsible for what you think more than what you do. This is all based on your intentions.

Karma is activated but what you think and more importantly your intentions behind what you are thinking.

If you think of it you might as well have done it.

Man's law only applies if you are caught.

God's law always applies by what you think.

Again take responsibility for your thoughts.

It is at the thought level that you can make all the progress you've been striving to do.

If you have a negative thought in your mind perhaps one of anger,
" let It go".

Now being in the physical dimension here on this planet of emotions and ego these thoughts will reappear.

Now" let it go" again.
Practice this throughout your day

Slowly negative thoughts just will not appear
As often.

This is a step-by-step process of you taking control of yourself.

Pay attention to what you're thinking it makes all the difference.

Robert Emerson


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
There is no hell.

That is a perception of man.

those in the physical form here on the earthly dimension can make their lives a living hell.

Meditation is a path that God has given all for the purpose of bringing heaven to Earth.

When your spirit passes from your physical body at your death you enter a state of loving Bliss.

So get on with living your life in a heavenly way.

Why would anyone want to do anything else

If a complete understanding of karma was understood people would live quite differently.

Karma is activated by what you think not what you do

Karma is activated by your intentions of why you do it.

I understand this every thought you put out is return to you in the same exact intensity and measure.

If not in this lifetime most assuredly in another.

If you have thoughts of anger at the world, you will certainly have the world forcing thoughts of anger onto you.
Perhaps not in this lifetime.
Everything you think must be returned to you

Stop thinking thoughts of love towards others and yourself.

See everyday has the sun rising in a new beginning

Work at being a better person everyday.

Look for the best in others and you be bringing the best in yourself out.

This is how you bring heaven to Earth

Robert Emerson


Active member
Dec 17, 2022
Extraterrestrials that visit our planet our evolved technically and spiritually beyond the perception of mankind at this time.

They communicate telepathically.

It is said that we use 3% of our brain they use 100% of theirs.

Telepathic communication is not a language.

It is the transference of a thought from one mind to another directly.

The vehicles which they use do not need a base on Earth to operate from.

They do not need an airport to land and take off of from

There are cases where they have entered into the oceans.
They have been seen in different places on land all over the world.

You will live and you will die and they will still be visiting us here on Earth.

Best to get on with your life and why you entered this physical Earth man to reflect on why they are here.

Yiur purpose here which your spirit entered into your physical body for is to learn to love.

Your physical body is of Earth.

Your spirit which is eternal and is you with all of your awareness is not of Earth.

At death when your physical body is late aside with the conscious mind, the emotions and the ego will leave again to return to the universe.

Use your time here on this planet wisely.

God has given you free will.

The gift of the ability to choose your path.

The path of love and to be the living expression of love on the physical plane is the choice your spirit has made.

Yiu are your spirit you are not your physical body..
Your physical body is temporary.

You're here on this planet to walk the path of love.

Robert Emerson