Interesting day for sure. Worried about wind holds to the north, I decided on Magic. Raining and 32 when I got there. Few hours later it was blue sky and warm sun.
Snow was heavy, but that seemed to help cover the rocks. Black Magic to Black Line was fun. A weed whacker would have been nice down low though.
Legs were beat by 1:30, so I decided to call it a day. Sun was coming out when I got to Newport. Took a detour and pulled into Sunapee a couple minutes before three. Good decision. Best bumps I've skied this year (I know that't not saying much). Squeezed in five runs on the Goose. FANTASTIC way to end the day. Just wish some of my bump buddies were there to share in the homogul fun. Awwww.
POV of course. Extra shaky. The suspension in my back seems to be deteriorating.
Snow was heavy, but that seemed to help cover the rocks. Black Magic to Black Line was fun. A weed whacker would have been nice down low though.
Legs were beat by 1:30, so I decided to call it a day. Sun was coming out when I got to Newport. Took a detour and pulled into Sunapee a couple minutes before three. Good decision. Best bumps I've skied this year (I know that't not saying much). Squeezed in five runs on the Goose. FANTASTIC way to end the day. Just wish some of my bump buddies were there to share in the homogul fun. Awwww.
POV of course. Extra shaky. The suspension in my back seems to be deteriorating.