New member
I heard a story recently (likely on NPR) about rapture believers so convinced that they not only needed to believe the end is nigh but also having to act it out and really live like it was, that they really had made bad financial decisions. Truly a terrible thing, it is really quite sad. Folks that literally lived like there was no tomorrow, spent all their money, and planned on having nothing left financially by today... perhaps as a show of their faith. I hope all you folks making fun don't have any questionable beliefs of your own. Just sayin'...
I imagine I have tons of questionable beliefs; crows are dead people, cameras really do steal a tiny piece of your soul, tv is carcinogenic, etc.
But I cannot and will not have any sympathy for someone so naive, so stupid, and so backwards as to believe that a midwest preacher can predict the end of the world and they should shed all of their earthly possessions for said event. If they do it, and they wind up poor and destitute, they should be absolutely disqualified from any social assistance. If they do this and their innocent kids starve they should be held accountable for endangering the welfare of a child and have their parental rights abolished.
I had a coworker actually say goodbye to me on the last Harold Camping end of the world day. He grossly neglected his duties to the job that week, and then come Monday morning when the end was not the end he was forgiven for the transgression on the basis that holding him accountable was a discriminatory act on the basis of religion. I - was - enraged. And now he's gonna pull this stunt again?
I only feel bad for those without a voice in this and its the children of these morons.