So I just got involved with the local BSA troop and they are putting me in charge of a summer hike. We're going to be staying overnight at Ravine Lodge so the boys won't have to cook...and we're going to be ascending Moosilauke by the SE approaches out of the Ravine. I've been looking at the maps, but I've only ascended it from the NW (Benton Trail). I have a loop planned out....(Snapper to Carriage Road, Gorge Brook Trails). I'd prefer to go to South Peak last because that view gives a very interesting perspective of the mountain and its size, but I'm flexible. Which way is best for ascent? Are there other loops? We're also looking for advice for short hikes/activities in the area for Sunday. I suggested The Flume, Loon Gondola, or Cannon Tram. Any other ideas?