New member
Couldn't get out of the city till about 8 but i made good time. got there about 11:45.
I have not been to mount snow in about 15 years and i would not have gone there unless i was meeting people. so here are my impressions and photos. staying at the grand summit was nice. pull up and valet takes the car, unloads the luggage, and you are of to you room. the rooms where nice 30" flat screen, bose radio, and nice views. this is deffinattly some where to do a romantic/ride weekend. the snow was way better on sunday there was a nice breeze to keep the surface temp down. onto the pics and the mountain.
First ride up the summit grand
seeded trenches this what most of the bump felt like to me the stuff on ego were better but are not bumps or moguls they are trenches. you just carve to air, carve to air. they were kinda fun but what was more rewarding was the look on the skiers as a boarder stomped the same line they where doing.
i worked my way from lookers left to the right on the mountain. avoiding any of the green runs. this was a a big mistake and i didn't find that out till sunday when someone made me take a run down the the greens because i had been mia all saturday.there are all sorts of rollers and gaps that where suoer fun if you kept your speed up. you probally couldn't doo these line durring the normal season.
there was a nice little roller to the left of this lift and a nice drop to the right.
there was also a fly gap over a dirt patch over by the top of the tumbleweed lift. you could do as small as five feet or as big as you want.
when the snow was like sandpaper i went over to the northface.
did every run over there some of the blacks should be blues but in relationship to the rest of the mountain i guess there blacks.
i was starting to get a little soggy so it was time for beer. the scene on the cuzins deck was fun.
alpenglow at the end of the day as seen from my room.
drank a few more beers did some paper work them passed out.
I have not been to mount snow in about 15 years and i would not have gone there unless i was meeting people. so here are my impressions and photos. staying at the grand summit was nice. pull up and valet takes the car, unloads the luggage, and you are of to you room. the rooms where nice 30" flat screen, bose radio, and nice views. this is deffinattly some where to do a romantic/ride weekend. the snow was way better on sunday there was a nice breeze to keep the surface temp down. onto the pics and the mountain.
First ride up the summit grand

seeded trenches this what most of the bump felt like to me the stuff on ego were better but are not bumps or moguls they are trenches. you just carve to air, carve to air. they were kinda fun but what was more rewarding was the look on the skiers as a boarder stomped the same line they where doing.

i worked my way from lookers left to the right on the mountain. avoiding any of the green runs. this was a a big mistake and i didn't find that out till sunday when someone made me take a run down the the greens because i had been mia all saturday.there are all sorts of rollers and gaps that where suoer fun if you kept your speed up. you probally couldn't doo these line durring the normal season.
there was a nice little roller to the left of this lift and a nice drop to the right.

there was also a fly gap over a dirt patch over by the top of the tumbleweed lift. you could do as small as five feet or as big as you want.
when the snow was like sandpaper i went over to the northface.

did every run over there some of the blacks should be blues but in relationship to the rest of the mountain i guess there blacks.

i was starting to get a little soggy so it was time for beer. the scene on the cuzins deck was fun.

alpenglow at the end of the day as seen from my room.

drank a few more beers did some paper work them passed out.
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