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Mount Snow - 3/8/08


Dec 22, 2003
Date Skied: 03/08/2008
Resort: Mount Snow
Conditions: soft snow, some icing, and very wet, some fog.

Trip Report: I wanted to go to Mount Snow as it has been almost a month that I have been there. The weather was calling for rain, but this morning I went to the MS website and they reported that the sun was peaking out between the clouds. With that said, I left my house and arrived at Carinthia for 10:30AM. There was just a light rain. I even got a front row parking spot.

I wore a t-neck, fleece jacket and my North Face rain jacket. I like this because I can wear a helmet and use the hood. My first run known was Mine Shaft to Prospector to Lower Titanium. The snow was soft but there were a lot of ruts in the snow.

I headed over to the main mountain after my first run at Carinthia. Took the GS Express. There was a youth freestyle event going on today. The rain stopped no one!

I did some top to bottom runs on the main mountain (Lodge, Exhibition, other ones). I did notice on the trails that did not have a lot of skiers there was an icy crust forming. Around noon I headed over to the North Face. As usual I found the better conditions over here. I skied Chute and Fallen Timbers. There no annoying ruts like on the main mountain. Also the rain stopped.

I did one run on Bear Trap (Sunbrook). It was foggier over this side of the mountain. It was about 1pm and the rain had started back up. I worked my way back over to the North Face and the rain got steadier and heavier. I skied my last two runs at Carinthia in a down pour that kept getting stronger. I called it quits at 3pm.

I had a blast & was soaked. The rain worked is way down my jacket and my t-neck was soaked. My ski pants, well they were soaked and my boots filled with water.

I did take a couple of pictures from the North Face (Chute):

