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North Conway NH Ice Fest offers clinics for developing backcountry skills and more!!


New member
Dec 26, 2012
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Hello Winter Enthusiasts!!!

Mount Washington Valley Ice Climbing Festival is celebrating it's 20th anniversary. We are offfering up all kinds of education and entertainment for the backcountry enthusiast!!!! Check out our avalanche safety and certification courses, Come with us on your first winter ascent up Mt Washington, learn how to rope up for those technical and windy Mount Washington hikes in our alpine skills courses, snow kiting (woooow) , and of course..... learn how to ice climb in one of our many ice climbing clinics tailored to all level of climbers from beginners to advanced!!! We even offer women specific clinics!! We have some of the best climbers in the world coming up for this amazing weekend, and they are ready to take you out!

Maybe your more of an arm chair climber? Thats cool too!!! We have amazing evening events planned including presentations given by professional adventurers. Come on out and see these multi media presentations!! These guys have amazing stories and pictures to share about truly epic climbing adventures! And as always check out sweet gear, silent auctions, live music and more!!!

For more info visit our website!!!