I have tomorrow free to go skiing anywhere I can drive to. I live in Southern NH. This is my first year skiing, I've been about 10 times. Recently started carving my turns and really liking it. I ski at Crotched almost exclusively, all the blues in all conditions. My question is this -- can I safely handle some of the blues at Cannon? If I ride the Peabody express, is there a reasonably do-able route or two down from there for an "emerging intermediate" skier.
I've always driven by Cannon and said to myself "someday I'd like to ski there". Is it too soon? Will I be scared silly? The alternative destination is Sunapee, but I would like to try one of the big ones up north and Cannon is cheap. Plus, I'm going to Bretton Woods on Friday. Thanks.
I've always driven by Cannon and said to myself "someday I'd like to ski there". Is it too soon? Will I be scared silly? The alternative destination is Sunapee, but I would like to try one of the big ones up north and Cannon is cheap. Plus, I'm going to Bretton Woods on Friday. Thanks.