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Stowe 3/21


New member
Jan 9, 2007
When I woke up on Friday morning, I took one look at the radar and knew it
would be good as there was a classic upslope signature...the mountains were
getting hammered.

Partly cloudy skies in Burlington turned into this near Exit 10.

High winds (one of the windiest days I can remember this season) meant the
quad and gondola were on hold, but the double was open and that would
suffice. We had quite a crew out there that included my friends Yanni and
Sara, Dave, Dylan G, Wes, Jimmy, Scotty D, Kirsten, and Bruno.

Opening run was top to bottom Goatdive from the Hay Chute; we found a lot of
snow with some serious drifting. It definitely snowed overnight.

Later, from the double we skinned/hiked up to the Toll Road chutes.

Scotty D messes with science. Depth is over 9 feet on the stake.

The run did not disappoint though it did become quite the cluster in there
at one point, but that's half the fun of skiing down steep slots in the
forest with 9 people.

When we got down to Rim Rock, there were quite a few people pouring down
Nosedive so we figured they had the quad running...sweet. I cannot believe
Mountain Ops got that open because the wind was still howling and we had
some of the sketchiest lift rides I can remember. The wind would
occasionally cause the lift to shut down quickly...leaving us bouncing up
and down in near 50mph winds. A brief break was taken at the Octagon where
we ran into Allen, Sam, and Wes...as well as Jay Pesci and sons.

The group dwindled a little bit throughout the afternoon...more powder was
skied...and then late in the day as Bruno and Kirsten headed off down the
Bruce, Scotty D, Dave, and I skinned over to the Bench. This was a very
good choice. Plenty of untracked boot to knee deep was found.

Scotty D has a reason to smile.

One of the funnier moments on that last run was my GS turn into a couple of
trees. I bounced off the first one then hit the tree next to it...and
luckily that tree was dead so I went right through it, breaking it off at
the base.

It worked out better the next time.

Dave as he passes by after a face shot.

That was one of the best last-run-of-the-day I can remember. We got back to
the cars around 5 with plenty of daylight to spare...man I love daylight
savings time. By now the sun was coming out but the wind was still ripping.
A nice end to one of the best powder days in the last month.
