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BB must have my work address- got this email this morning from Walmund Tromble:
"Glauben Sie nicht, fuhr sie fort, daß ich so weich, so leicht zu rühren bin!" indeed!
Harley board confirms Wis. plants to stay open Huckabee's Defensive Posture Professor Jarocki and Chopin left Warsaw on the 9th of September, 1828, and after five days posting arrived in Berlin, where they put up at the Kronprinz.Among the conveniences of this hotel our friend had the pleasant surprise of finding a good grand piano. He played on it every day, and was rewarded for his pains not only by the pleasure it gave him, but also by the admiration of the landlord. Through his travelling companions friend and teacher, M. H. K. Lichtenstein, professor of zoology and director of the Zoological Museum, who was a member of the Singakademie and on good terms with Zelter, the conductor of that society, he hoped to be made acquainted with the most distinguished musicians of the Prussian capital, and looked to Prince Radziwill for an introduction to the musical autocrat Spontini, with whom Lichtenstein was not on a friendly footing. In these hopes, however, Chopin was disappointed, and had to content himself with looking at the stars from afar.
Ich übernahm ihn mit Ergebung: denn ich hielt für Schuldigkeit, selbst mit Aufopferung meines Gefühls diesem trefflichen Kreise von Menschen meinen Einstand abzutragen.Therese hatte unter diesen Worten ihren Gast sehr freundlich angesehen. O wie süß ist es, rief sie aus, seine eigne überzeugung aus einem fremden Munde zu hören! Wie werden wir erst recht wir selbst, wenn uns ein anderer vollkommen recht gibt. Auch ich denke über Lothario vollkommen wie Sie; nicht jedermann läßt ihm Gerechtigkeit widerfahren, dafür schwärmen aber auch alle die für ihn, die ihn näher kennen, und das schmerzliche Gefühl, das sich in meinem Herzen zu seinem Andenken mischt, kann mich nicht abhalten, täglich an ihn zu denken. Ein Seufzer erweiterte ihre Brust, indem sie dieses sagte, und in ihrem rechten Auge blinkte eine schöne Träne. Glauben Sie nicht, fuhr sie fort, daß ich so weich, so leicht zu rühren bin! Es ist nur das Auge, das weint.
Now Hepzebiah really didnt know just what it all was about. But she had heard Marmaduke say Peacock, so she took her finger out of her mouth just long enough to point at the Guinea-hen, who was screeching horribly out in the barnyard. Then choosing some sticks--very carefully, for they must be straight--he tucked the boat under his arm and, with the three children close at his heels, walked over to the pond and sat down under the Crying Tree, where the sun shone bright and warm. In his pockets he rummaged again, those pockets which always held just the right thing. It was a small bottle this time, all filled with tiny pink pills. Much nicer these were, the children thought, than that yellow stuff in the big bottle they hated so. Around the pond and over the bridge went the Toyman, to the other side. When the ship reached the opposite shore he swung it around and sent it back on the return voyage. The White Swan had reached port safely, when the Toyman said: Its funny what different opinions folks have.
"Glauben Sie nicht, fuhr sie fort, daß ich so weich, so leicht zu rühren bin!" indeed!