WhizSpark (http://www.whizspark.com) is putting together its 4th annual SnowJob ski trip to SugarLoaf USA December 3rd to December 5th. Packages start at $79 for those who don't wish to ski (you can come up and party it up with the rest of us though!) and run to $169 if you want to stay and ski for both days.
$79 gets you two nights lodging in the condos, $169 gets you lodging for two nights and two days of skiing. There is also a package for $139 for two nights lodging and one day ski pass. All the infromation you need and ticket purchasing can be found at:
We also have a cover band coming up to play Saturday night at the Widowmaker Lounge called Mindrift (http://go.to/MINDRIFT). They put on one heck of a show!
Its always a great time and we're looking to bring more people then we ever had before. Email me if you have any questions, or feel free to go to http://www.whizspark.com/contact.aspx to contact WhizSpark directly.
$79 gets you two nights lodging in the condos, $169 gets you lodging for two nights and two days of skiing. There is also a package for $139 for two nights lodging and one day ski pass. All the infromation you need and ticket purchasing can be found at:
We also have a cover band coming up to play Saturday night at the Widowmaker Lounge called Mindrift (http://go.to/MINDRIFT). They put on one heck of a show!
Its always a great time and we're looking to bring more people then we ever had before. Email me if you have any questions, or feel free to go to http://www.whizspark.com/contact.aspx to contact WhizSpark directly.