New member
2 1/2 years ago. My company gave me a Sprint Blackberry Tour. It made a nice paperweight but it was pretty useless as a smartphone for my travel pattern. With Verizon, I can drive from Killington to Boston and keep a phone call up just about the whole way. There is one spot on Route 4 where calls drop. There are a few low areas on I-89 where calls drop. I get 3G data the whole way. Sprint has a tower on Pico and I get limited connectivity in Killington but otherwise has no data connectivity anywhere between Killington and Concord, NH. Sprint roams onto Verizon for voice calls but only at certain towers. At my summer house and out on the boat, Sprint doesn't work at all.
I think they improved a lot since. I had Sprint before and they were total crap, now I'm very happy with the service, Driving from Jersey to Killington I have coverage in areas where I didn't have it with Verizon. In Killington, I'll admit, coverage is spotty, but I didn't expect to have any coverage. Verizon wasn't great at Killington either.