I went to Wachusett today to use some free passes today I got from the Simon Mall's Thanksgiving gift card special which is the only Black Friday Sale I hit for the most part (well, technically $1.50 once you consider the $2.95 gift card service fee I paid for each 2). The snow softened up nicely today and the trails on the mountain was overall nice and carveable. The bumps on Tenth Mountain Trail were actually rather quite hard though and although I do enjoy them from time to time; I didn't enjoy them so much today. Upper Smith Walton and skier's right of Tenth Mountain Trail particularly I found a few ice patches within the bumps but otherwise, all groomed terrain was in great shape. I actually felt a bit warm such that I needed to unzip my coat in the afternoon for awhile.
A lot of people came out to enjoy the snow when I consider it being midweek. I pulled in at 9:30 and parked at the 6th row. The line for the chairlifts was about 6 chairs on average and most chairs had someone on them, even in the morning. It got progressively busier around 3 pm and the corrals were about 3/4 full when I left a little after 4.
A lot of people came out to enjoy the snow when I consider it being midweek. I pulled in at 9:30 and parked at the 6th row. The line for the chairlifts was about 6 chairs on average and most chairs had someone on them, even in the morning. It got progressively busier around 3 pm and the corrals were about 3/4 full when I left a little after 4.