Conditions - Packed Powder
Temp - Maybe 40 degrees but it seemed warmer.
This is my 1st trip report and my first trip to Windham. The place was in my opinion packed - great weather, nice temps., and great conditions.
Overall I really liked Windham. My friends and myself started off the day on Uper Wraparound which was a nice blue twister. The snow coverage was actually a bit thin (brown spots) in a few locations but there was no ice which meant I was happy. Wraparound was good so we were onto Upper Whistler than Upper Wiseacre. Both were fun and not too steep.
We tried Chute which should not be rate black. Also, the Wall was pretty easy due to it not having moguls.
The coverage on Way Out was pretty poor making the moguls somewhat easy. However the hike over there was not too fun.
My favorite runs of the day were Why Not, Upper Wolvarine, and Name this Trail.
The snow pack was weakest on Name this Trail but the Why Not/Upper Wolv. were in great shape.
Overall a great day.
Conditions - Packed Powder
Temp - Maybe 40 degrees but it seemed warmer.
This is my 1st trip report and my first trip to Windham. The place was in my opinion packed - great weather, nice temps., and great conditions.
Overall I really liked Windham. My friends and myself started off the day on Uper Wraparound which was a nice blue twister. The snow coverage was actually a bit thin (brown spots) in a few locations but there was no ice which meant I was happy. Wraparound was good so we were onto Upper Whistler than Upper Wiseacre. Both were fun and not too steep.
We tried Chute which should not be rate black. Also, the Wall was pretty easy due to it not having moguls.
The coverage on Way Out was pretty poor making the moguls somewhat easy. However the hike over there was not too fun.
My favorite runs of the day were Why Not, Upper Wolvarine, and Name this Trail.
The snow pack was weakest on Name this Trail but the Why Not/Upper Wolv. were in great shape.
Overall a great day.