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Waterville Valley 12-27-22


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
Resort or Ski Area
Waterville Valley
Feb 27, 2022
Snow Conditions
  1. Dust on Crust
Sorry no pictures. I really should have taken some, but was having too much fun.

First time to Waterville in maybe 10-12 years today. Last time was early season pre Green Peak and lodge expansion. Took my 6 year old son there for the first time. On Indy Pass

Have to say I was pretty impressed. There are things I certainly can find fault with for my personal skiing preferences at Waterville, but I look at ski areas these days a bit differently as it's through the lense of a dad of a six and three year. How much fun they have and how easy it is to have that fun supercedes my own thirst for gnar or whatever.

Weather has been tough lately obviously. Two major hot rain events in the past two weeks hurt, but the 7" they got on Friday did just enough even two days later to make for good enough surfaces. The damage was still apparent, but the conditions exceeded my expectations overall. 61/62 trails still open. Lots of them with pockets of enjoyable moguls still. Every lift running. Surprisingly uncrowded, 5 minute lift lines max on the HSQs. All other lifts were ski on.

The Green Peak expansion really makes the place ski a lot bigger than it used to. While they cut the trails over there a bit wide for my liking, it's still pretty solid intermediate to lower advanced ski terrain. Really needs a HSQ as many have mentioned They probably should have just moved the Valley HSQ there instead of the triple. I don't think you need two lifts on that side of the hill like they have now if you run a HSQ up to the summit of Green. If they put a HSQ there and the planned new FG Quad on Sunnyside combined with next year's White Peaks Bubble Six going in, they'd have an exceptional lift network for a mountain their size.

We popped into the lodge for lunch and they did a really great job with it. Had lunch in the Freestyle Lounge and I thought it was great.

My biggest thumbs up though is for their Magic Carpet area. Really the reason I'm writing this thread. First and foremost, it is right outside the lodge. This is so so important. I never realized this until becoming a dad teaching kids to ski. Wouldn't matter today with my six year old as he's well graduated from that life, but it's so incredibly nice to have for teaching toddlers. Toddler's HATE walking in ski boots for long distances. Bathroom needs come quick and with little warning. Waterville's two carpet setup next to the lodge is perfect.

Looking forward to our next visit