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Catamount 1/21/16 (snowmaking pipe broke)


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2013
A minute from the Alta exit off the I-15!
Time Skied: 9:00-2:30
Conditions: hardpack... pretty gripable with some scratchiness later in the afternoon
Weather: 20s, sun, some wind

The other Cat in town! Things were fast and firm. I was one of 12 booting up in the lodge at 8:45. Second chair up means first tracks :). They do a nice job with grooming and snowmaking, especially considering that there was no natural. A lot more edgable than I thought. Didn't know Catamount's snowmaking system was so impressive... guns blasting on Catamount, Sunrise, a new connector trail up top, and BOTH sides of Catapult. That's a lot of fire power for a 1000' bump... Burke and Magic are jealous :razz:. At 9:30 I was riding up the main quad, and saw a water geyser on glade. Not good. Heard it was a pipe that burst, must of been a high-pressure pipe too... water was being sprayed well above the tree tops (50' to 70' is my guess of its height. Luckily this didn't affect much... the guns on a connector trail up top lost their water and were shooting nothing but air, but the rest of the mountain continued to spray out snow. Hopefully its nothing major.


Rest of the day was very nice. Catamount certainly is far from its peak season when thing's are really nice. The mountain still skis great on artificial snow. Long runs with variety. Nice rollers on Ridge. Glade, Alleycat, and On Stage are more carvable than a Thanksgiving turkey!

With a little love from Ma Nature, and more $20 tickets (show your ski club card) I'll be back for more! Spring bumps on Catapult, Glade, Lynx, and Off Stage are the best bumps between Mass and NY (see what I did there?)!


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Time Skied: 9:00-2:30
Conditions: hardpack... pretty gripable with some scratchiness later in the afternoon
Weather: 20s, sun, some wind

The other Cat in town! Things were fast and firm. I was one of 12 booting up in the lodge at 8:45. Second chair up means first tracks :). They do a nice job with grooming and snowmaking, especially considering that there was no natural. A lot more edgable than I thought. Didn't know Catamount's snowmaking system was so impressive... guns blasting on Catamount, Sunrise, a new connector trail up top, and BOTH sides of Catapult. That's a lot of fire power for a 1000' bump... Burke and Magic are jealous :razz:. At 9:30 I was riding up the main quad, and saw a water geyser on glade. Not good. Heard it was a pipe that burst, must of been a high-pressure pipe too... water was being sprayed well above the tree tops (50' to 70' is my guess of its height. Luckily this didn't affect much... the guns on a connector trail up top lost their water and were shooting nothing but air, but the rest of the mountain continued to spray out snow. Hopefully its nothing major.

View attachment 18681

Rest of the day was very nice. Catamount certainly is far from its peak season when thing's are really nice. The mountain still skis great on artificial snow. Long runs with variety. Nice rollers on Ridge. Glade, Alleycat, and On Stage are more carvable than a Thanksgiving turkey!

With a little love from Ma Nature, and more $20 tickets (show your ski club card) I'll be back for more! Spring bumps on Catapult, Glade, Lynx, and Off Stage are the best bumps between Mass and NY (see what I did there?)!

That pic is how Q does his snowmaking.... ;)

Sent from my iPhone using AlpineZone


New member
Nov 25, 2011
Albany, NY
It's pretty funny how a mole hill in east bumf*ck, NY can out operate a place like Magic/Burke. I bet that water pipe will be welded up before the weekend. Miss that place.


Active member
Jan 18, 2013
Can you imagine being right above that on a chair when it let loose? Yikes!

Re: "mole hill in east bumf*ck, NY," given their proximity to NYC, Westchester Co., I would expect they do better financially than either Magic or Burke, no? Definitely better than Magic, that sees 20K people a year, and might be open, what, 40 days tops?

Some googling around, Burke sees 60K skier visits, Magic prays for 20K... can't find anything on Catamount but they're open every day, have night skiing, plus summer activities....

I'm not defending Magic or arguing your point, more just thinking out loud. I agree with the general sentiment that Magic could be better managed even given current revenue problems. But then I've never managed a ski area.


New member
Nov 25, 2011
Albany, NY
Can you imagine being right above that on a chair when it let loose? Yikes!

Re: "mole hill in east bumf*ck, NY," given their proximity to NYC, Westchester Co., I would expect they do better financially than either Magic or Burke, no? Definitely better than Magic, that sees 20K people a year, and might be open, what, 40 days tops?

Some googling around, Burke sees 60K skier visits, Magic prays for 20K... can't find anything on Catamount but they're open every day, have night skiing, plus summer activities....

I'm not defending Magic or arguing your point, more just thinking out loud. I agree with the general sentiment that Magic could be better managed even given current revenue problems. But then I've never managed a ski area.

I'm curious on how much they get. Would be a good statistic. Magic has it tough with Bromley and Stratton in their back yard. I've never been to Burke and don't know that area But skiing/riding is the winter economy in those places. There is not much else around Catamount, Jiminy Peak would be the closest ski area I think? It just seems backwards given the lay of the land, ya know?

I never caught much of a NYC vibe while skiing there (like you get at Hunter). But I haven't skied there in years and didn't pick up on those things as much back then. It's interesting that you bring up proximity. Catamount is almost in a perfect lateral line with Hunter. One would be the Thruway, the other you would take Rt 9. I wouldn't be surprised if they're about the same distance from NYC.


Active member
Aug 16, 2006
Poughkeepsie, NY
I'm curious on how much they get. Would be a good statistic. Magic has it tough with Bromley and Stratton in their back yard. I've never been to Burke and don't know that area But skiing/riding is the winter economy in those places. There is not much else around Catamount, Jiminy Peak would be the closest ski area I think? It just seems backwards given the lay of the land, ya know?

I never caught much of a NYC vibe while skiing there (like you get at Hunter). But I haven't skied there in years and didn't pick up on those things as much back then. It's interesting that you bring up proximity. Catamount is almost in a perfect lateral line with Hunter. One would be the Thruway, the other you would take Rt 9. I wouldn't be surprised if they're about the same distance from NYC.

Catamount does not really have much draw from NYC. Much more a locals mtn. Lots of HS ski clubs go there for night trips and weekend day trips.


Active member
Jan 18, 2013
Agree that Hunter is much more of the city's ski hill, especially with all the buses that go there. Catamount is good for where it is, but it's kind of a little far for a day trip and too close (small) for a weekend, in my opinion (coming from around White Plains). I do a day trip if that's all I have time for and the snow is too good to miss (like in a sick day from work situation).

It would be nice if they could open up the bar area a little, maybe even situate it on the second floor. At least figure out a way to let me have a beer on the upper, hill-facing deck on a sunny day. I guess that's not really what they're going for as a vibe; but the current bar situation isn't the best, down in a cave like it is. I guess a new lodge was in the plans with the development; that's been scuttled though.

One thing Magic does well (and Bromley too) is be a good place for both kids and adults that enjoy an adult beverage.

I guess that unless these hills are required to post annual financials (public companies / gov't entities), it's difficult to get the data on visits and revenues?

Belleayre might be a fair comparison. They get 130K visits for 5 million in revenue, plus or minus. Even if Catamount only gets 100K, that's still five times what Magic is looking at.

Anyway, it's Friday, it's gonna snow (somewhere), enjoy the weekend and let's see if this storm can't shift north a bit. I might even try to get to the big Cat for Sunday if it all comes together with the weather.

See you on the slopes.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2013
A minute from the Alta exit off the I-15!
Catamount does not really have much draw from NYC. Much more a locals mtn. Lots of HS ski clubs go there for night trips and weekend day trips.

Yep. Most Saturday's the Quad has a ten chair wait, tops. Butternut and Jiminy Peak get mobbed. Catamount has a laid back vibe with the best terrain in the area. I always see a lot of good skiers there, too. They're not afraid to let things bump up starting in February. Good in early March when Vermont is still frozen but Flatland spring skiing has begun.


New member
Aug 15, 2011
Skied Catamount either last year or the year before for the first time in ages. It had enough decent terrain to keep my interest for a day. Actually I think the drive from Brooklyn is a bit shorter to Catamount than the Catskill areas. Also my favorite codfish diner is right off the Taconic exit for Catamount.


New member
Nov 25, 2011
Albany, NY
Skied Catamount either last year or the year before for the first time in ages. It had enough decent terrain to keep my interest for a day. Actually I think the drive from Brooklyn is a bit shorter to Catamount than the Catskill areas. Also my favorite codfish diner is right off the Taconic exit for Catamount.

Is that the Chief Diner?


New member
Aug 15, 2011
Is that the Chief Diner?

Chief Martindale Diner, excellent fresh codfish. Fri.-Sun. they have either codfish filet on a bun (comes with coleslaw) or codfish nuggets (comes with french fries). They have a fresh codfish dinner everyday (larger filet & comes with both coleslaw & french fries). All are reasonably priced considering the quality of the fish. I've been stopping there for years.


New member
Nov 25, 2011
Albany, NY
Been there many times. Was in a band that used to practice in the area. Always hit that place on the way back from shows.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2005
Upper Valley, NH
Always loved Catamount.

I can't imagine how much PSI they run to make a geyser that high but standard pressure 200-350 psi won't do that. Crazy.