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Bell and Platty Dec 14 and 15 new snow


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
Middletown NY
Saturday was going to Hunter, took 87 up from New Paltz Kingston decided to get off at that exit and go to Bell haven't been here since I had hair. Sorry Jim and DMC I want to take turns with you guys but car foggy and lack of defoster in car meant easier road is what I wanted. Snow all day about 4 inches which made it very very good. Did some nice bumps runs Onetta and I for get their names. Not many people there at all. Poached some closed trails they were making snow on behind mid lodge to bottom hit some stems so worth fun I like it I be back a few times probably this winter. Parked on upper lodge. Nice quad detachable left side of the hill. Triple chair on right same one I took runs off when I was a pre teen and what I thought was so steeps doesn't look so steeps as adult memories of family off that lift. It a nice crusing hill food not so good. Left at 3 because of incoming storm smart move I thought 87 south from New Paltz to Newburgh exit really bad. 84 to Middletown and rte. 17 to Bloomingburg we in good shape considering snow storm. While skiing or snowboarding here cell service not so good. Getting question from Cornhead do I want to ski Platty for 22 I was actually not sure if Platty would be worth going to and was considering highly going to Catamont today with my cousin and his GF so glad I went to Platty and so are they. It was great meeting and skiing with ST Bear and Cornhead I post Platty report in little bit . It was good really good.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2010




Wow, I'm spent, the four feet at Snow Ridge, and the heavy snow at Platty today have thoroughly kicked my ass. Back to work to rest tomorrow.


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
Middletown NY
Platty report: to the back county roads from Were I live 65 miles really happy took my cousin GMC over those hills. Because of snowy roads took about 2 hours to get to so I didn't start on the hill to about 935 maybe. Double chair was closed but that was a good thing. Took few runs with my cousin and his Gf they never been here before but liked the hill and vibe and will be back. 12 inches of new snow , packed powder for real on grooming stuff was excellent. Best day of the season so far and best day at Platty for me in last couple years. Then saw Cornhead wh en I was on the tripple yeLLED down and we waited a few minutes at top for him. He came up with ST Beer very cool to meet you. We all made some turns together then with Corn and St. to Blockbuster ungroomed snow maybe a foot very nice , went back and forth went by Scotties ocean on top of the hill, stayed to right and went to the double and trail under was closed but powder was here it was so worth the effort to get here. Quick lunch then meet my cousin took couple more runs with him to his GF had to go so he went inside the lodge for 1.5 hours while I skiied went back to Blockbuster and under the double for few more runs tried feet by 215 to great dayz of skiing with friends and family in the Catskills this weekend with new snow was and epic winter and sorry for not making to Hunter on Saturday DMC and Jim but I did enjoy Bell and Platty I am lucky to live so close to all these great winter hills.


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
Middletown NY
Sounds like a great weekend. Was blockbuster open or was that a rope was covered by snow kind of thing ;)

It was closed so was the trail under the double, so worth the 10 hike by the man made ocean on top of the hill to get some powder. Sorry you weren't there.