Well-known member
Date(s) Skied: Thursday 2/3/11
Resort or Ski Area: Burke, VT
Conditions: Crud, some knee deep freshies still left in the woods... BLUEBIRD (am I really still in the NEK!?!?)... low 10s that felt like 40s
Trip Report:
Lolligagged around after class so I didn't end up getting there till just before 2, but had time for 5 runs. Hit Jungle, Doug's Woods, Warren's Woods, Birches, and Fox's. Jungle and Birches were fully tracked out for the most part and honestly need another storm or two to be in great shape... still hitting lots of stuff in there. Definitely getting there though. Warrens and Dougs woods had plenty of fresh shots still left over. A snow snake claimed me at the very top of Warrens and I ended up lawn darting into the powder lol. Fox's was much better as seen in NEK's video... pretty easy to ski it without hitting rocks now. Almost killed myself jumping off the last one though thanks to that quick mound right after it. Groomers were full of chopped up crud as it snowed a few more inches after closing yesterday.
With snow coming in Saturday and Tuesday, the place is going to be PRIMO next week. Can't wait for it.
Resort or Ski Area: Burke, VT
Conditions: Crud, some knee deep freshies still left in the woods... BLUEBIRD (am I really still in the NEK!?!?)... low 10s that felt like 40s
Trip Report:
Lolligagged around after class so I didn't end up getting there till just before 2, but had time for 5 runs. Hit Jungle, Doug's Woods, Warren's Woods, Birches, and Fox's. Jungle and Birches were fully tracked out for the most part and honestly need another storm or two to be in great shape... still hitting lots of stuff in there. Definitely getting there though. Warrens and Dougs woods had plenty of fresh shots still left over. A snow snake claimed me at the very top of Warrens and I ended up lawn darting into the powder lol. Fox's was much better as seen in NEK's video... pretty easy to ski it without hitting rocks now. Almost killed myself jumping off the last one though thanks to that quick mound right after it. Groomers were full of chopped up crud as it snowed a few more inches after closing yesterday.
With snow coming in Saturday and Tuesday, the place is going to be PRIMO next week. Can't wait for it.