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Camelback 3/29

Aug 23, 2007
Hey All,

I'm back from Camelback. I left the A around 7:30AM and it was 30 degrees and there was frost on my car. I arrived at Camelback at 8:13AM and got a parking spot right at the bottom of the steps. It was 28 degrees with moderate winds. I secured my free pass and saw Phillycore near the base of the Sullivan quad and then Phillycore skied by. He had had several runs in but they stopped him because his lift ticket that he bought on the internet said March 31st. It was mainly me, Phillycore, Moe Gohl and Moe's buddy.

We first skied the Asp which was crunchy..then the Rocket which was much better and had a little bit of a lip at the top for some steezy air. Then over to the East side for The Pharoh and Cliffhanger. Nile Mile was closed. Cliffhanger had the mini-death cookies but got better with more traffic. Then backn to the other side to ski King Tut, Big Pocono, Marjies, and The Hump. All the runs seem pretty much the same at Camelback..a 7-8 second headwall..then a few rollers then a flat tuck back to the lift. Some of the Blue mountain regulars were out skiing Camelback for free including some of Rodneys boys.

Moe and his buddy ran into some buddies and I skied the last few runs with Phillycore over on the east side. Cliffhanger remained good but the Pharoh got a little rough with very deep sugar piles in the corners. Because Nile Mile was closed..The Pharoh had alot of traffic since Cliffhanger is "Experts Only".

My final run was down the The Hump and I left around 12:15PM. I fell on the concrete on the way back to the parking lot..doh..right on my left knee. Luckily it was only sore for about a minute. 3-4 teenage snowboarders saw and were like"Haha" like Nelson from The Simpsons..it serves me right because I'm always laughing at people who fall from the lift. I skied a total of 31 runs. I stopped at Barley Creek for some lunch and beer. I had a French Dip, a wheat beer, and a golden ale. They even have a beer called Cliffhanger after the double diamond run. Now I;m doing some laundry and tomorrow at this time..I'll be in Vermont..Holla