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Cannon 1/1/16


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado

Conditions: variable ice to powder bumps to wet sticky

Trip Report:
Even though we were there two days prior, we opted to give it another shot. They had time to open more terrain right? We hear there was going to be a delayed opening for Cannonball Lift, so we headed there later in the AM. Thoughts were with that open people would be a little more spread out. We started around 10:30 and finished around 3:30.

We parked along side of Brookside and dressed at he car. Took three lift rides to the summit and did a T2B run. BTW it was pretty cold at the summit. While we were excited about skiing Upper Cannon, it was a bit of a disappointment primarily due to the snow guns blowing water. There were whales scattered about and the snow was sticky where the guns were located causing skis to stick. With water being blown it stuck to our goggles faces and face masks (in my wife's case). The trail it self had varying terrain with son very thin spots. Without getting into a run by run account discussing conditions is best. Upper Gremlin was good with nice bumps. Gremlin had good coverage with bump patches which was nice and rarely seen. Gremlin had no crowds. Rock Garden had good coverage as well with bumps forming. Middle Cannon had the typical ice it always has and Spookie was the same. We made two trips to the summit, second time was not any better later in the day. We did four runs off Peabody trice down Middle Cannon and twice via Big Link to Missing Ling and then Spookie. Big Link and Missing Link also had nice bumps as well but little rhythmic pattern.

We also did three runs from Eagle Cliff Chair because Gremlin actually had some character.

Last run was down Brookside to the car. I used this trail to teach my wife how to butter. She actually did a couple but would stall - just needs to practice more.

Summit Terminal


Laying hose down on Gary's


Cannon's version of an assault on Lower Cannon


Upper Cannon near the top


Upper Cannon further down note discolored snow (wet).


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