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College Students and the Vote

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
The congressional district plan is ok, but it has to be implemented nationally for it work correctly.


New member
Mar 18, 2008
E. Hartford, CT
And as far as Marx goes, people always point to Scandavian countries as "proof" that social democracies don't work (>50% tax rates for most people). But free healthcare, childcare, and college through PhD (if you want it) sound like pretty good things to me.

I'll provide those things for much less than 50% tax rates. They'll consist of band-aids, me yelling at kids locked in a pen, and doctoral studies in the literature of Dr. Seuss, but, hey.

Hyperbole, of course, but I point to the UK, and Canada. Canada and the UK both have nationalized health care - and those that can afford it come to the US because of the massive difference in quality. Canada just can't hire enough doctors, because the government isn't willing to pay them enough. Google Ontario Wait Times strategy. 10% of people need to wait over 90 days to get a MRI. Knee replacements in 200 days!

And we do have nationalized health care, the expensive kind. It is illegal for hospitals to turn away patients in critical condition for lack of funds. Everybody else gets to foot the bill through increased medical costs directly from the hospitals; no government intervention needed. In fact, the U.S. spends more money per capita on health care than any other country in the world. (Partly we just need to get off our asses and stop being hypochondriacs.)

K-12 education is largely socialized, higher is competitive. K-12 in this country is one of the worst systems in the developed world, the higher education system is one of, if not, the best. And that private competition makes the more affordable state universities all the better, because they actually have to work at providing a comparable education.

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